Friday, May 31, 2019
Gender and Coming of Age in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s As You Like It Essay
Gender and Coming of Age in Shakespeares As You Like It Shakespeare introduces the protagonists of his comedy, As You Like It, as youths mourning the absence of their fathers Orlando remarks on the consequences of his fathers death and Rosalind first appears despairing over her fathers exile. He closes the play with the marriage of these youths. The absence of their respective fathers centrally figures into their courtship and preparation for marriage. Even more noticeable is the absence of all mothersnot a single mother or older wife appears in the play. The young women, Rosalind and Celia, enter adulthood, seemingly without any female role models. Such responses impact the breeding of the young protagonists, causing the two friends, Rosalind and Celia, to be remarkably independent of gender conventions and the constraints of older generations. The absence of elder influences allows Rosalind and Celia to shape their adult lives, particularly as they go their own unique approaches towards marriage and realizations of the institution. In the absence of natural fathers, different characters volunteer as surrogate fathers for Orlando, but not for Rosalind. Without soliciting it, Orlando receives help and guidance from Duke of age(p) and Adam. For example, the ravenous Orlando interrupts Duke Seniors banquet and orders them to stop eating, demanding food for Adam and himself. Duke Senior asks him why he so rudely demands food and then advises Orlando that unmanliness shall force / More than your force move us to gentleness (2.7.101-102).* Warmly inviting the embarrassed Orlando to his table, the Duke offers him his friendship as he takes Orlando aside to speak privately. Orlando receives such unsolicited help from ... ...ns emotional maturity. Orlando finally achieves social adulthood and Rosalind achieves personal maturity. While the Shakespearean era certainly structured gender roles quite differently from our own, umteen women today find themselves, like Rosalind and Celia, in a forest of men without female role models. Though decrying the lack of female role models has become trendy, it is key to remember that the leadership of the older generation comes with its own constraints. As each generation forges its own identity, perhaps it is the very absence of such role models and the immunity to wear a mans hat or a beggars cloak that allow the most independent expressions of adulthood to emerge. take a leak Cited*Shakespeare, As You Like It, in The Complete Works of Shakespeare, ed. David Bevington, 4th ed. (New York Longman, Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, 1997).
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Fairy Tale :: Essays Papers
Fairy TaleEloise bored and wants someone to appreciate the value of her work and she wants a baby. She makes night-dresses and petticoats for a shop in town. She considers men to be brainless and only good for one thing. Simon and she moved into the woods because she got a lot of money from Max (Clares ex-husband). She moved into the woods to discover her spiritual roots. She likes neatness and having everything in order. Simon Eloises husband. Before they went into the depths of Wales (the woods) he was an ordinary, nice boy with a promising career, now he does woodwork. Rational. Eloise & Simon not compatible. Clare Eloises mom. Jewish. Miriam Clares oldest friend. Vodka drinker. Moonbird Spiritual (crystals, pyramids, hagging trees), New Age friend. Humans should be polite towards Nature. Shes fond of Native Americans. Four men in suits come to the house, saying they want to buy it. Simon doesnt want a baby (Simons mom got a child at the age of 13, which he considered to be in th e way of his development into manhood). He tells her that if she feels that lonely she should ask her mom over. Simon calls Clare saying Eloise missing her. Se never showed much affection so Clare wonders what the catch is. Clare cant go because she is expecting a phone call from Claud (a French tv producer). The men return for a instant time leaving her brochures. Clare encourages Miriam to go because she is Eloises godmother. Third return of the men. Moonbird and the men say the same things, but the meaning behind them is different. Eloise wakes up, the men are gone, the clock has halt and the cat is afraid. Simon comes home. Clare is depressed, Miriam asks if she is suicidal again.Clare found out Claud was having dinner with another woman. She called him the next morning, and he didnt even know who she was. The next morning cloth. Miriam goes to Eloise. The next day Clare goes as well. Eloise comes back from the woods where she had fallen asleep. While it has been raining hard all day Eloise is completely dry, this surprises Miriam. Miriam is surprised that no one in the village has talked to them. Miriam and Clare go out for groceries and the shopkeeper shows great interest in them when he finds out they live in the Queens house.
Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Free Choice in Oedipus the King - Power of Fate :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex
The Power of Fate in Oedipus the King The Greek calamity Oedipus the King, by Sophocles, was written to show the common people of Greece how powerful the gods are and that your fate is pre-determined and nothing you do can change that. He does this by mas might how people in this story try to escape their fate and how it is no use because in the give the sack, what the oracles predict comes true. In the story there are some(prenominal) occasions in which people try to escape their fate. The first time that one of the characters in the story tries to escape their fate is when Jocasta and Laius have a child. later on the oracles tell Jocasta and Laius of their fate, Jocasta and Laius try to get rid of their new born baby by sending him off to a shepherd who in turn testament put the baby on a mountain to die, however in the end their child (Oedipus) becomes a prince of another city and ends up killing his give (Laius) in an altercation and marries his mother (Jocasta ). Another example is when Oedipus tries to run away from those who he thinks are his real parents because he does not want to kill his begin or marry his mother, however he ends up doing so when he meets his real father in a intersection of three roads and kills him. The third example is when Oedipus continues on his journey to escape his fate and comes across the sphinx. The sphinx was a horrendous monster that was terrorizing the city of Thebes and it was said that whoever could solve the riddle of the sphinx would become king of Thebes. Oedipus solved the riddle and became king thus marrying the queen of Thebes (Jocasta) who was his real mother. By doing this he committed what he tried to get away from. In the end of the story, when Oedipus and his wife/mother find out that the prediction of the oracles has came true, Jocasta kills herself and Oedipus kills himself when he sees his mother/wife dead. This part of the tragedy is to show that if you try to escape your fate, you will be punished by the gods.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures Essay -- English Lite
Theory and Practice in Post-compound Literatures Introduction More than three-quarters of the people living in the world today have had their lives shaped by the experience of colonialism. It is easy to see how important this has been in the political and economic spheres, but its general influence on the perceptual frameworks of contemporary peoples is often less(prenominal) evident. Literature offers one of the most important ways in which these new perceptions are expressed and it is in their writing, and through other arts such as painting, sculpture, music, and dance that the day-to-day realities experienced by colonized peoples have been most powerfully encoded and so profoundly influential. What are post-colonial literatures? This book is concerned with writing by those peoples formerly colonized by Britain, though much of what it deals with is of interest and relevance to countries colonized by other European powers, such as France, Portugal, and Spain. The semant ic fanny of the call ?post-colonial? might seem to suggest a concern only with the issue culture after the departure of the imperial power. It has occasionally been employed in some earlier work in the area to distinguish between the stopovers before and after independence (?colonial period? and ?post-colonial period?), for example, in constructing national literary histories, or in suggesting comparative studies between stages in those histories. Generally speaking, though, the term ?colonial? has been used for the period before independence and a term indicating a national writing, such as ?modern Canadian writing? or ?recent West Indian literature? has been employed to distinguish the period after independence. We use the term ?post-co... ...rad, Patrick White and Margaret Atwood?, World Literature Written in English 24, no. 2 (Autumn). Campbell Praed (1981). Policy and Passion. London Richard Bentley & Sons. Howe, Joseph (1874). Poems and Essays. Montreal Lovell. Ngugi wa Thiong?o (1972). Homecoming Essays on African and Caribbean Literature, Culture, and Politics. London Heinemann. Ngugi wa Thiong?o (1986). Writers in Politics. London Heinemann. Phillips, Arthur (1958). ?The cultural cringe?. The Australian Tradition Studies in a Colonial Culture. Melbourne Cheshire. Said, Edward W. (1984). The World, the Text and the Critic. London Faber. Tiffin, Chris, ed. (1978). South Pacific Images. St Lucia, Queensland SPACLALS. Viswanathan, Gauri (1987). ?The beginnings of English literary study in British India?. Oxford Literary Review 91 & 2.
Frank Sinatra Essay examples -- Essays Papers
Frank Sinatra Francis Albert Sinatra born on December 12, 1915, in Hoboken, New island of Jersey later became known as Frank Sinatra and one of the greatest entertainers of his generation. American singers - Bing Crosby and Billie Holiday, influenced Frank Sinatra. Sinatra then developed a signature vocal phrasing in his music that influenced generations of popular vocalists. Sinatra anticipated the decline of big- deal instrumental jazz music, and helped establish an enthusiastic climate for popular singers. One of the songs Frank Sinatra is most known for singing is the hit My Way. Frank Sinatras career began after he signed his first performing contract, when he was 24. He got his start singing with Tommy Dorseys rophy in the 1930s. He then scored his first number one song a little more than a year later, Ill Never pull a face Again. Sinatras popularity began to rise through airtime as a radio singer during World War II. He soon left Dorseys band for a solo care er that lead him to several hits and great success in the 50s and 60s. Young At Heart, All the Way, Witchcraft, Strangers in the Night, and thats Life were slightly of his hit songs. In the 1940s Sinatra embarked on a solo career and became the idol of the bobby-soxers. They were teenage girls who swooned over his crooning, soft-voiced singing. During this time period he also appeared in many film musicals such as, Anchors Aweigh (1945), Till the Clouds Roll By (1947), and On the Town...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
History of the Magna Carta :: essays research papers
The Magna Carta is often thought of as the cornerstone of liberty and a disaffirmation against unjust rule in England. The Magna Carta is also a type of constitution. Just like the English have the Magna Carta, the Americans have the Constitution. To better describe the Magna Carta Im going to tell you some more about the line of events that led up to this famous document. First there was the landing of the pilgrims in 1620 at the Plymoth lean for the glory of god and the advancement of the Christian faith. Prior to this happening, another course of events unfolded in England. In 500 (?)A.D., the Anglo-Saxons conquered England bringing Roman Catholicism with them. only if the new Latin Bible was available to the people and the pagan rulers had that in mind so the people couldnt read it. Two important men, toilette Wycliffe and William Tyndale tried to translate this new Bible. The church didnt like this and burned the translated Bibles and killed Tyndale. The idea of a limited government came from the Anglo-Saxons. Before-hand, the Kings counselors were called Witan, but when the Norman conquered they changed the name to Parliament. This is how the Parliament came to be. Another event that connects the colonist and the English together is the event of a hated King in England trying to take off freedom and go back to the old ways. The idea of how much power the King had struck Parliament. After that, the Parliament and the people made the King target the Magna Carta, which limits the amount of power the King has. The Magna Carta also affected the rights of the American colonies. It practically took away all relationships between the King and the colonies. After the relationship was stony-broken, America broke off from England. All of this happened because of the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta introduced the idea of placing the King under the law of the land.
History of the Magna Carta :: essays research papers
The Magna Carta is often thought of as the cornerstone of liberty and a defense against unjust rule in England. The Magna Carta is also a persona of constitution. Just handle the side have the Magna Carta, the Americans have the Constitution. To better describe the Magna Carta Im going to tell you some more about the rake of events that led up to this famous document. First there was the landing of the pilgrims in 1620 at the Plymoth Rock for the glory of god and the advancement of the Christian faith. former to this happening, another course of events unfolded in England. In 500 (?)A.D., the Anglo-Saxons conquered England bringing Roman Catholicism with them. Only the new Latin Bible was available to the people and the cultural rulers had that in mind so the people couldnt read it. Two important men, John Wycliffe and William Tyndale tried to translate this new Bible. The church didnt like this and burned the translated Bibles and killed Tyndale. The idea of a limited government came from the Anglo-Saxons. Before-hand, the Kings counselors were called Witan, but when the Norman conquered they changed the name to Parliament. This is how the Parliament came to be. Another event that connects the colonist and the English together is the event of a hated King in England trying to take away freedom and go back to the old ways. The idea of how such(prenominal) power the King had struck Parliament. After that, the Parliament and the people made the King sign the Magna Carta, which limits the amount of power the King has. The Magna Carta also affected the rights of the American colonies. It practically took away all relationships between the King and the colonies. After the relationship was broken, America broke off from England. All of this happened because of the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta introduced the idea of placing the King under the honor of the land.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
I would consider the sharing and downloading of songs from the Internet to be wrong when a purchase isnt made to accomplish the download. When ecommerce is sticked and a song is downloaded from the Internet the effects are felt beyond the large practice of medicine record companies. The fans of that artist, the employees that manufacture the digital media, even you as the somebody downloading the content will suffer consequences. If the demand for a product is high the price for such product does not have to be high. Thus, if I along with many others download my favorite artists song the consequences ripple far past the wealthy record companies.The fans willing to pay will have a higher cost because demand is not reflected accurately. The companies that develop products to create this digital media will have fewer jobs to offer/may require terminating employees. I will feel the effects because my favorite artiest may not put out music due the demand not being accurate. This is a rattling interesting topic to discuss because here there are laws that protect facsimilerighted material, as well as technology that solely are utilize to uphold these laws. In fact, it seems that the technology are the laws regarding digital media and when avoided they are broken. Once constrains on behavior are built into the technical foul standards governing a technology, the technical standards effectively become a new method for governing used of the technology- in essence, the technical standards become a type of law. (Textbook) Lending a CD to a wiz is ok. There isnt infringement to secures, and the rights watchfulness system is not undermined when doing so. For instance manufactures decide the rules of with the digital media green goddess be used. In the model of rights management systems, copyright owners determine the rules that are embedded into the technological controls.By implementing technical constraints on access to and use of digital information, a copyri ght owner can effectively supersede the rules of the intellectual property law. (Textbook) When allowing a friend to borrow a CD the RMS is not damaged in the process. Letting a friend download, copy to an external drive, or rip to CD music is definitely wrong. It infringes on various copyright statues, as well as undermines any rights management systems that are used with my digital media. To bypass the RMS of digital media would violate the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and is without a doubt wrong. No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. (Textbook) To work around the RMS of a CD and rip songs to a library and then make a copy of these songs to a blank CD violates the DMCA. Using other technology to obtain this media is also wrong. In the cocktail dress Real Networks, Inc. v. Streambox, Inc. we see that to use software to copy media is another instance of DMCA violation. In this eluding Real Net works offered a way to stream music for sampling, moreover if a user wanted to own the copy they must purchase the song.RealServers hosted this music and would only play content on RealPlayers. This relationship between fraud and server was authenticated by means of secret handshake. Users who have met content owners preference to download media (i. e. purchased the music) could do so by a copy switch authentication method. Streambox VCR allow users to bypass the copy switch mechanism, which allow users to download media without the consent or preference of the copyright holder. We see with this case that if we use software to circumvent the ecommerce process we have violated the DMCA. The DMCA prohibits the manufacture, import, offer to the public, or trafficking in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof that (3) is marketed for use in circumventing such technological protection measures. (Textbook) Allowing this friend to download from a site is wro ng as well. It violates the same DMCA standards forbidding working around RMS. Peer to mates sharing we have seen in the case A & M Records Inc, v. Napster, Inc. violates the DMCA if the holder does not grant permission to the content.To enable the act of infringing even though you yourself are not infringing does not remove liability. Napster may be vicariously liable when it fails to affirmatively use its ability to patrol its system and preclude access to potentially infringing files listed in its search index. Napster has both the ability to use its search function to identify infringing musical recordings and the right to bar participation of users who engage in the transmission of infringing files. (Textbook) I think that the digital copyright laws of today are reasonable.They protect the copyright holders, but there are still free use statues are in place that makes sampling music realistic. Today we have youtube, Pandora, and spotify just to name a few. If I want to sample music or even get a line to my favorite genre of music I am free to. I can subscribe to a new artist on youtube and sample their music before I ever have to pay for a CD. Today technology has made it more convenient to be a consumer of media, and harder to protect your copyright for media creators. With every streaming site there is a file-sharing site.I think that its unfortunate that someone who worked hard to create a work of music has to cut through with it being stolen, but I think there is a solution in the near future. With everything being hosted in the cloud now a eld we see media outlets like itunes and spotify have huge cloud library with the ability to take a physical copy when placing it on an external device. We are visual perception less and less local copies of media with the emergence of the cloud, which will make it very hard to circumvent RMS in place. So what should be the law? The laws should evolve with technology, and as of now should remain as they are.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Election Laws Cases Essay
1. Cayetano v. Monsod, 201 SCRA 210FACTS Monsod was nominated by chairperson Aquino as Chairman of the Comelec. The Commission on Appointments corroborate the appointment in spite of Cayetanos objection, based on Monsods alleged lack of the required qualification of 10 year law practice. Cayetano filed this certiorari and prohibition. come out Whether or not Monsod has been engaged in the practice of law for 10 yearsRULING YES. The practice of law is not limited to the conduct of cases or litigation in court. It embraces the preparation of pleadings and other papers incident to actions and special proceedings, the management of such actions and proceedings on behalf of clients, and other die hards where the work make involves the determination of the trained legal mind of the legal effect of facts and conditions (PLA vs. Agrava.)The records of the 1986 constitutional commission show that the interpretation of the term practice of law was liberal as to consider lawyers employed i n the Commission of Audit as engaged in the practice of law provided that they use their legal knowledge or talents in their respective work. The court to a fault cited an article in the January 11, 1989 issue of the Business Star, that lawyers nowadays have their own specialized fields such as tax lawyers, prosecutors, etc., that because of the demands of their specialization, lawyers engage in other works or functions to meet them. These days, for example, most corporation lawyers are involved in management policy formulation. Therefore, Monsod, who passed the stripe in 1960, worked with the World Bank Group from 1963-1970, then worked for an investment bank till 1986, became member of the CONCOM in 1986, and also became a member of the Davide Commission in 1990, can be considered to have been engaged in the practice of law as lawyer-economist, lawyer-manager, lawyer-entrepreneur, etc.2. 18 December 1990G.R. No. 93867FACTSThe petitioner is challenging the prenomen by the pres ident of Associate Commissioner Yorac as Acting Chairman of the COMELEC, in place of Chariman Davide. The petitioner argues that the choice of the Acting Chairman is an internal matter to the COMELEC. It is also averred that the style done by the President of the Philippines violates the emancipation of the COMELEC.ISSUEWhether the designation done by the President of the Philippines violates name IX-A, dent 1 of the disposition.RULINGArticle IX-A, Section 1 of the Constitution expressly describes all the Constitutional Commissions as independent. Although essentially executive in nature, they are not infra the control of the President of the Philippines in the discharge of their respective functions. Its finales, orders and rulings are subject only to review on certiorari by the Court as provided by the Constitution in Article IX-A, Section 7. The choice of temporary chairman in the absence of the regular chairman comes under that discretion. That discretion cannot be exerci sed for it, even with its consent, by the President. The designation by the President of answerer Yorac as Acting Chairman of the COMELEC is declared unconstitutiona2. Sixto Brillantes, Jr. vs. Haydee B. YoracG.R. No. 93867. December 18, 1990. FACTS Respondent, as Associate COMELEC Chairman, was appointed by the President as Chairman at that placeof, replacing former Chairman Hilario Davide the former chairman was appointed to thefact-finding commission regarding the December 1989 Coup d etat. Petitioner moved for herremoval, stating that her appointment was reverse to Article IX-C, Section 1(2) of the 1987Constitution, where (I)n no case shall whatever Member (of the Commission on Elections) beappointed or designated in a temporary or actingcapacity. secrete Is respondents appointment as Chairman in the case at bar unconstitutional.Ruling Yes. Article IX-A Section 1 of the Constitution expressly provides for the independence of theConstitutional Commissions from the executive de partment this means that they are governedby the Constitution itself and cannot be under the control of the Pres.3. UNIDO VS. COMELECIn 1981, the BP proposed amendments to the 1973 Constitution. The amendments were to be placed to a plebiscite for the peoples approval. The YES voting was being advanced by KBL Marcos Party. While the NO vote was being advanced by UNIDO. To ensure parity and equality, COMELEC issued Resolutions 1467-1469 w/c basically provided that there be equal hazard, equal time and equal space on media use for campaigns for both sides. On 12 Mar 1981, Marcos campaigned for the YES vote via TV and receiving set from 930pm to 1130pm.The same was broadcasted live by 26 TV stations and 248 radio stations nationwide. UNIDO petitioned before the COMELEC that they be granted the same opportunity as Marcos has pursuant to Resns 1467-69. COMELEC denied the demand. UNIDO assailed the denial as a denial of equal tax shelter before the laws. ISSUE Whether or not UNIDO wa s denied equal protection by virtue of COMELECs denial of their request.HELDThe SC ruled that UNIDO was not denied callable process nor were they not afforded equal protection. It is the considered view of the SC that when Marcos conducted his pulong-pulong or denotation with the people on March 12, 1981, he did so in his capacity as President/Prime Minister of the Philippines and not as the head of any political party. Under the Constitution, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet shall be responsible . . . for the program of government and shall determine the guidelines of national policy. In instances where the head of tell apart is at the same time the president of the political party that is in power, it does not necessarily follow that he speaks with two voices when he dialogues with the governed. The president is accorded original privileges that the opposition may not have. Further, the SC cannot compel TV stations and radio stations to give UNIDO free air time as they are n ot party to this case. UNIDO must sought contract with these TV stations and radio stations at their own expense.4. SANIDAD vs. COMELEC181 SCRA 529Facts On 23 October 1989, RA 6766 (Act providing for an ingrained act for the Cordillera Autonomous Region) was enacted into law. The plebiscite was scheduled 30 January 1990. The Comelec, by virtue of the power vested by the 1987 Constitution, the Omnibus Election Code (BP 881), RA 6766 and other pertinent pick laws, promulgated Resolution 2167, to govern the conduct of the plebiscite on the said Organic Act for theCordillera Autonomous Region. Pablito V. Sanidad, a newspaper chromatography columnist of Overview for the Baguio Midland Courier assailed the constitutionality of Section 19 (Prohibition on columnists, commentators or announcers) of the said resolution, which provides During the plebiscite campaign period, on the day before and on plebiscite day, no mass media columnist, commentator, announcer or personality shall use his column or radio or television time to campaign for or against the plebiscite issues.Issue Whether columnists are prohibited from expressing their opinions, or should be under Comelec regulation, during plebiscite periods.Held Article IX-C of the 1987 Constitution that what was granted to the Comelec was the power to supervise and regulate the use and enjoyment of franchises, permits or other grants issued for the operation of transportation or other public utilities, media of communication or information to the end that equal opportunity, time and space, and the right to reply, including reasonable, equal rates therefor, for public information campaigns and forums among candidates are ensured. Neither Article IX-C of the Constitution nor Section 11-b, second paragraph of RA 6646 (a columnist, commentator, announcer or personality, who is a candidate for any elective office is required to take a leave of absence from his work during the campaign period) can be construed to mean that the Comelec has also been granted the right to supervise and regulate the exercise by media practitioners themselves of their right to expression during plebiscite periods.Media practitioners use their free SANIDAD vs. COMELEC5. LAZATIN VS. COMELECLazatin filed the instant petition assailing the jurisdiction of the COMELEC to annul his proclamation later he had taken his oath of office, assumed office, and discharged the duties of Congressman of the 1st order of Pampanga. Lazatin claims that the House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal and not the COMELEC is the sole judge of all election contests. Buan, Jr., and Timbol (Lazatins opposition), alleged that the instant petition has become moot and academician because the assailed COMELEC Resolution had already become final and executory when the SC issued a TRO on October 6, 1987. In the COMMENT of the Sol-Gen, he alleges that the instant petition should be given ascribable course because the proclamation was valid. The Telex O rder issued by the COMELEC directing the essaying gameboard to proclaim the winner if warranted under Section 245 of the Omnibus Election Code, was in effect a grant of authority by the COMELEC to the canvassing board, to proclaim the winner.A Separate Comment was filed by the COMELEC, alleging that the proclamation of Lazatin was illegal and void because the board simply corrected the returns contested by Lazatin without waiting for the final resolutions of the petitions of candidates Timbol, Buan, Jr., and Lazatin himself, against certain election returns. ISSUE Whether or not the issue should be placed under the HRETs jurisdiction. HELD The SC in a Resolution dated November 17, 1987 resolved to give due course to the petition.The petition is impressed with merit because petitioner has been entitle winner of the Congressional elections in the first district of Pampanga, has taken his oath of office as such, and assumed his duties as Congressman. For this Court to take cognizanc e of the electoral protest against him would be to usurp the functions of the House Electoral Tribunal. The alleged invalidity of the proclamation(which had been previously ordered by the COMELEC itself) despite alleged irregularities in connection therewith, and despite the pendency of the protests of the rival candidates, is a matter that is also addressed, considering the premises, to the sound judgment of the Electoral Tribunal.6. JAVIER VS. COMELEC 144 SCRA 194 G.R. NOS. L-68379-81 22 SEPT 1986Facts The petitioner and the one-on-one respondent were candidates in Antique for the Batasang Pambansa in the May 1984 elections. The former appeared to enjoy more popular support but the latter had the advantage of being the nominee of the KBL with all its perquisites of power. On May 13, 1984, the eve of the elections, the bitter contest between the two came to a head when several followers of the petitioner were ambushed and killed, allegedly by the latters men. Seven suspects, inclu ding respondent Pacificador, are now facing trial for these murders. Owing to what he claimed were attempts to railroad the private respondents proclamation, the petitioner went to the Commission on Elections to question the canvass of the election returns.His complaints were dismissed and the private respondent was proclaimed winner by the Second Division of the said body. The petitioner thereupon came to this Court, arguing that the proclamation was void because make only by a division and not by the Commission on Elections en banc as required by the Constitution. Meanwhile, on the strength of his proclamation, the private respondent took his oath as a member of the Batasang Pambansa. Issue Whether or Not the Second Division of the Commission on Elections authorized to promulgate its decision of July 23, 1984, proclaiming the private respondent the winner in the election.Held This Court has repeatedly and consistently demanded the cold neutrality of an impartial judge as the indis pensable imperative of due process. To bolster that requirement, we have held that the judge must not only be impartial but must also appear to be impartial as an added assurance to the parties that his decision exit be just. The litigants are entitled to no less than that. They should be sure that when their rights are violated they can go to a judge who shall give them justice. They must trust the judge, otherwise they will not go to him at all. They must believe in his sense of fairness, otherwise they will not seek his judgment. Without such federal agency, there would be no point in invoking his action for the justice they expect.Due process is intended to insure that confidence by requiring compliance with what Justice Frankfurter calls the rudiments of fair play. Fair play cans for equal justice. There cannot be equal justice where a suitor approaches a court already committed to the other party and with a judgmentalready made and waiting only to be formalized after the lit igants shall have undergone the charade of a formal hearing. Judicial (and also extra-judicial) proceedings are not orchestrated plays in which the parties are supposed to make the motions and turn the denouement according to a prepared script. There is no writer to foreordain the ending. The judge will reach his conclusions only after all the manifest is in and all the arguments are filed, on the basis of the established facts and the pertinent law.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Fever And Headache Case Study Health And Social Care Essay
Prior to parturiency, the thickening chows balanced repasts daily. He fritters Multivitamins. He drinks 8-12 spectacless of H2O daily. He does nt comport any nutrient allergic reactions. His lesions retrieve fast. Complete set of dentitions, does nt use dental plates. The leaf node is DAT ( diet as tolerated ) diet with no dark colored nutrients.Elimination PatternThe client does nt hold bring out extinguishing. He does nt utilize laxatives. His stool is formed. He defecates one time or twice daily. No jobs experienced when urinating. His piss is normal in colour and sum. Upon parturiency, the client defecates one time day-to-day. Still no trouble urinating.Activity and ExerciseThe client has sufficient energy to establish the day-to-day activities he desired. He jogs a assault their fiddling town sometimes. He wants to read books during his trim clip. He can to the full take attention of himself. While in the infirmary, the client walks around his room. He feels weak inti mately of the clip, because he is merely lying imbibe. He watches telecasting while in the infirmary.Cognitive-PerceptualThe client does nt hold hearing troubles and does nt utilize hearing AIDSs. He does nt have on reading spectacless. He normally decides for himself but seeks advice from his older sister.Sleep/RestBefore parturiency, the client does nt hold trouble sleeping. He makes certain to acquire adequate remainder for the following twenty-four hours s activities. He does nt see incubuss. Now, the client said that he was non able to kip good because he is really concerned about his wellness. He sleeps a small late and wakes up early the following twenty-four hours.Self-perceptionThe client describes himself as simple and determined. He feels good about himself. He does nt let petty jobs to acquire the best of him.Role-RelationshipThe client lives with his sister and her household. They portion with the family disbursals. Whenever they encounter jobs, they sit down and disc ourse them.Sexuality-ReproductiveThe client is sexually active but refuses to speak about his sexual life.Coping/Stress ToleranceWhen stressed, the client tries to loosen up himself beginning(a) before confronting the job because he might do determinations he will repent. He talks to his sister or close friends whenever he has jobs. He does nt take any medicines or drugs. He handles jobs maturely.Values/BeliefsThe client is spiritual. He prays frequently, though seldom attends mass. He has programs for himself in the hereafter and he says he will make his best to accomplish them.Family AssessmentNameRelationAgeSexual activityOccupationEducational AttainmentC.GWife31FGross saless ManagerCollege GraduateHeredoMaternal nonePaternal NoneDevelopmental HistoryTheoristAgeTask/StagePatient DescriptionErikson36 y/oGenerativity vs. StagnationThe patient is concerned about others. He makes the most out of his clip.Freud36 y/oGenital PhaseThe patient is sexually active.Piaget36 y/oFormal Opera tionssThe patient thinks about how to hide and work out jobs encountered.Kohlberg36 y/oPost ConventionalThe patient is concerned about his single rights.Fowler36 y/o connexion FaithThe patient is cognizant of the truth and takes the enterprise to detect it.Physical ExaminationHeight 55 Weight 70 kilogramVoltBP 130/90 mmHg RR 26 cpm PR 72 beats per minute barkLight brown in colourBirthmark on upper part of armUniform temperature in custodies and pessSkin turgor & lt 2 secsNo lentigosNailsPink nail bedsIntegral tegument environing the nailsBlanch trial or capillary refill & lt 4secsHead and FaceHead is round in formSymmetric facial characteristicsSymmetric facial motionsNo facial hairNo apparent multitudes, lesions, cicatrixsEyessEyebrows harmonious and as distributed, equal motionsEyelashs equally distributedEyelids are integral, no stains symmetrical motionStudents are every bit circular and reactive to illumeEarsColor same as facial tegument, symmetricalPinna recoils after i t is foldedNo dischargeNoseExternal olfactory organ is symmetric, unvarying in colour, non tender, no lesions, no dischargesNasal septum integral maxilla and frontal fistulas non tenderMouth and PharynxOuter lips symmetric, unvarying in colour, can purse lipsInner lips are pinkNo losing dentition, pinkish gums vernacular is in the centre, pink in colour, moves freelyNeckMuscles are equal, caput centeredCan travel cervix with no uncomfortablenessNo tangible multitudesSpinal columnSpine is straight, shoulders and hips are at same tallnessThorax/LungsSkin intact, no tenderness, no tangible multitudes( + ) wheezesCardiovascular/Heart jugular vein venas non seeable cruciform pulsing on peripheral pulsationsCapillary refill trial & lt 4secsBreastSymmetricalAbdomensSkin uniform in colourSymmetrical motions caused by respirationAudible intestine soundsNo tendernessExtremitiesUniform in colour, symmetricSymmetrical pulsing of peripheral pulsationsCapillary refill & lt 4 secsGenitaliasREFUS EDRectum and AnusREFUSEDPersonal/Social HistoryHabits He likes to read and travel to the promenadeFrailties Drinks on occasionLife style ActiveClient s usual twenty-four hours like After acquiring off from work, he finds clip to rest and read a book.Rank in the household 2nd kidTravel Went to Bacolod for 10 yearssEducational Attainment College GraduateIII. environmental HistoryThe client lives in a private subdivision in Malabon, Manila with his sister and her household. He describes their small town as quiet and peaceable. Few autos pass by their street. They segregate their refuse and maintain their milieus clean.IV. PathophysiologyA. Theoretical BasedDengue Hemorrhagic FeverPredisposing ingredient Age Sexual activity-ImmunodeficiencyPrecipitating Factor Aedes aegypti mosquitoBite of a virus transporting mosquitoMosquito injects fluid into victim s tegumentVirus enters in the host s blood watercourseInfects cells and replicate in sufficient sumPlatelet will supply a shield for th e virus from video and binding to neutralize preexistent antibody.Novices immune system responseStimulates release of cytokinesActivation of memory T-cell response during re-exposureMacrophages or monocytes engulfed the virus holding a thrombocyte ( phagocytosis )Virus-antibody compositeCytokines destroy cell membrane and cell wallCytolysisComplement activation systemFluid switchingICF to ECFCoagulopathy ( PT, PTT )ThrombocytopeniaVasculopathy ( plasma shunning )Vascular endothelian cell activationHigh Fever, organic structure failing, concern, sickness & A purging, abdominal hurting, petechial roseola in countries of the organic structure, bloody stool ( sometimes )B. Client BasedDengue Hemorrhagic FeverNon-modifiable Factors Age 36 y/o Sexual activity MaleModifiable Factors-ImmunodeficiencyPoor Environmental SanitationAedis Aegypti Mosquito bitesCreates multiple lesions in the blood watercourseIncrease phagocytic activityVirus multiply in blood streamAfter 2-3 yearss incubation , febrility appearsParacetamol givenExcessive ingestion of thrombocytesScheduled BTFor replacingHematologic studies reveal that patient has low home base countDengue Titer tribulation Done( + )Which states that patient has grade 1 DHF with marks and symptoms manifestedV. Laboratory ResultsUrinalysis ( 7/14/10 )ExaminationConsequenceInterpretationColorYellowYellow in colour may bespeak tightfistedness in urineTransparencySlightly CloudypH6.0pH and specific gravitation is within normal boundsSpecific Gravity1.010Glucose banishProtein++Transeunt lift due to infectionBlood controvertKetone++More fats are being used for energy alternatively of glucoseNitriteNegativeBilirubinNegativeBlood ( 7/14/10 )Examination chemical formula ValueConsequenceInterpretationHemoglobin140-175 g/L141 traffic patternHematrocrit0.42-0.500.44NormalRBC Count4.50-5.90 Ten 1012/L4.92NormalWBC Count4.00-1.050 Ten 109/L4.40NormalBasophil0.00-0.01Eisonophil0.01-0.04Pang0.02-0.050.01NormalNeutrophil0.36-0.660.69No rmal lymphocyte0.24-0.440.16The patient is compromised because of immunodeficiency.Monocyte0.02-0.120.14NormalPlatelet Count150.00-450.00X109/L125The patient s thrombocyte count is below normal scope which means that there no equal coagulating map.Blood ( 7/19/10 )ExaminationNormal ValueConsequenceInterpretationHemoglobin140-175 g/L140NormalHematrocrit0.42-0.500.43NormalRBC Count4.50-5.90 Ten 1012/L4.84NormalWBC Count4.00-1.050 Ten 109/L7.37NormalBasophil0.00-0.01Eisonophil0.01-0.040.04NormalPang0.020.02-0.05NormalNeutrophil0.36-0.660.53NormalLymphocyte0.24-0.440.30NormalMonocyte0.02-0.120.11NormalPlatelet Count150.00-450.00X109/L215NormalPotassium ( 7/17/10 )ExaminationNormal ValueConsequenceInterpretationPotassium3.50-5.50mg/dL3.7NormalCurdling and Hemostasis ( 7/18/10 )ExaminationNormal ValueConsequenceInterpretationActivated incomplete Thromboplastin- Patient22.60-35.00 secs32.6NormalActivated Partial Thromboplastin- Control22.60-35.00 secs30.2NormalUltrasound Result ( 7/17/10 )ExaminationConsequenceDoppler Scrotal/TestesThe testicles are normal in size, echopatterns and constellation with no focal lesions noted. The right steps about 4.4 tens 2.6 s2.1 centimeter ( LWH ) . While the left steps about 4.0 tens 2.8 ten 2.1 centimeter ( LWH ) . No extratesticular mass lesion is noted. The epididumes are non unusual. uncaring fluid aggregation is seen within the left scrotal pouch.ImpressionLeft Hydrocoele.Normal Testiss and epididymesNo grounds of varicocoeleVIII. List of Priority Problem1. Hyperthermia link up to evaporation secondary to DHF phase 12. Deficient Fluid volume related to active fluid volume secondary bleeding3. Activity Intolerance related to generalise failing secondary to DHF phase 1IX. Ongoing Appraisal7/14/10 On DAT ( Diet as Tolerated ) with NDCF ( No Dark Colored Foods ) proctor VS q4, rigorous I & A O Dx process CBC, Platelet count, Potassium, Urinalysis Dengue Titers Master of educations Aeknil 1 A IV q4Nafarin 1 check TIDAzithromyci n ergocalciferol milligram OD7/15/10 Addition unwritten fluid intake Dx process Blood Typing ( Result Bachelor of liberal arts )7/16/10 Facilitate station BT as ordered Give antamin 1 amp 30 min prior to BT7/17/10 Warm compress over scrotal are TID7/18/10 WOF marks of shed blooding7/19/10 parky compress 10 min BOD and displacement to warm compress 10 Command Scrotal Support7/20/10 may travel placeTen. Discharge PlanMedicine Celebrex 200 milligram 1 check 2x a twenty-four hours PRN for hurtingExercise Avoid strenuous exercisings sermon Patient must take medicines for hurting as needed.Bed remainder.Increase unwritten fluid intakeHealth Education Promote patient to hold a healthy life style.Practice good hygiene.Diet Diet as tolerated.Eat balanced repasts daily, nutrients high in fibre.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
ââ¬ÅNeat People vs Sloppy Peopleââ¬Â analysis Essay
Neat good deal vs. Sloppy People, by Suzanne Britt compares the day-to-day life and habits of mirky race to disreputable neat tidy sum. Britts point of view leans towards the hit-or-miss person, causing the reader to conclude that the author is close likely sloppy in her possess life. The meanings of the adjectives neat and sloppy seem to be flipped around when defined and exemplified. Someone reading this article is either going to be bothered by the context of use or is going to agree with the view of the messy side. The authors hope is probably for others to appreciate the morals and intentions of the two different types of people.Read to a greater extent Good people short storyessayThe author of this essay, Suzanne Britt is a poet, essayist, and teacher. Her essay Neat People vs. Sloppy People is from one of her books project and Tell. The purpose of her essay is to highlight the differences of neat people and sloppy people by changing the meaning and purposes around t his topic. The tone of her essay is humorous, all the same straightforward. She is able to make jokes rough both sides, while cosmos assertive in her meaning of these two styles of life. Through contrasting the two types of people in this essay, Britt is able to convey her purpose of recognizing neat people as lazier and meaner than sloppy people(para. 1). She also states that sloppy people live in hire-purchase Land because they never get anything done, since they depend on someday to get their task accomplished (para. 3). By looking at these two contrasting lifestyles, it is seems that she favors the sloppy side of life. Even though she talks about the sloppy life as putting things off and collecting clutter, she recognizes it as a good thing. It is as though she switches the meanings of the two characteristics to make sloppy positive and neat negative, showing the author has a preference. This odd exchange of the two types of traits makes this article interesting since most w ould associate being sloppy as a negative. When analyzing these two traits it is seems that the characteristics that would normally describe a neat person describes a sloppy person. When stating, neat people are bums and clods at heart, the author uses derogative words to describe the person (para. 6). The term neat usually fashion organized and put together, which is what she means by the term sloppy. Sloppy people are stated to give loving attention to every detail. When sloppypeople say theyre going to tackle the surface of the desk, they really mean it. Britt makes the neat people seem bothersome and uncaring, while the sloppy people seem driven and nurturing. As stated previously, the term someday is used repetitively in the second paragraph to describe when the goals of a sloppy person will be made. It is evident that sloppy people never get anything accomplished in their lives, because they are held back by the word someday. However, the author seems to think someday is no n always a bad thing. Britt states sloppy people cant bear to part with anything, which creates the sense of possible hoarding problems by sloppy people. They never know when they just might need something and it would be a waste to have to rebuy something that they had previously. So, I guess she thinks that they are thrifty and not wasteful people. Neat people get rid of things too quick and can be uneconomical in the long run.This essay Neat People vs. Sloppy People analyzes two opposite lifestyles. By switching their meanings around, Britt is able to show just how different these two lifestyles are. She seems to imply that sloppy people are caring and will get to things done when needed. They are laid back and want to enjoy life by not worrying about keeping everything perfect. Sloppy people do not get caught up in the day to day rush of life and enjoy what they do. Neat people are not relaxed and worry about what others think too much. The author seems to feel that there is mor e to life than being spick-and-span. One can suggest based on how she describes both neat and sloppy that Britt favors the messy side. The purpose of her essay is to convey how different each lifestyle is and how they cant be one without the other. She uses humor almost in a satirical way in order to get her point across while being completely forward with the reader in her feelings towards both sides. By incorporating different techniques throughout her essay, Britt is able to portray her thoughts and feelings on the subject of neat verses sloppy people. After reading her article, a neat person might consider relaxing a bit and recognize that there just might be more to life than being spotless.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Character Evaluation
The film that I have chosen is Shrek. The character that I will be referencing to is going to be the character Shrek. On the low end of the extraversion scale, he fits perfectly well. He is more on the shy side and likes to be by himself for the roughly part. You can characterize his personality by his actions and replys being introverted. He is a person that is not too friendly with e actuallyone. You can say that he is picky majority of the time.He is not a people-friendly person, only to the people that he be accompanys friends with as the movie progresses on. Another character in this movie is Donkey. The main treatment between the two of these characters is that Shrek will not allow people to get close to him and only continues to push people away. He fails to pa single-valued function following punishment, displace ahead to the next trial before learning from his mistakes. (Text book citation) When it comes to meeting new people, his initial greetings is very extroverted. On the neuroticism scale, Shrek scored very high on this scale. There are many sign that he exhibits on the high end of this scale, including nervousness, moodiness, and hostility. When he is faced with different challenges, he becomes very irritable and very angry. This indicates that he is inferior with his coping skills. When it comes to adapting to his social responses to make the right for the posture, he has difficulty doing this. This is typical of neuroticism. These actions are shown throughout the film on a recurrent basis.Shrek scores very low on the openness to experience scale. The only that that concerns him is getting back to his old life in the swamp. This is an area that he is use to. His is not immediately affected by his well being is he does not exhibit curiosity in anything new. When he is faced with new situation or new people, his general demeanor is to quickly become aggravated or cranky with any of these situations. On the F scale he exhibits cynicism and d estructiveness. His response pattern overall is very hostile.Even though it may seem that Shrek is not agreeable or careful on the surface, he is very conscientious towards other people. He is a person that believes in working hard and strives to persevere in his endeavors. On the other end of the scale, he exhibits erratic behaviour and being much unorganized. On the agreeableness scale, he is the epitome of the ogre. His enjoyment comes from teasing others and he is antagonistic. He is a person that is belligerent and very crude. These come from his overall persona.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
My Last Duchess Analysis
Robert Browning loosely based his poem My Last Duchess on the story of Duke Alfonso and the Duchess Lucrezia de Medici, who lived in the 16th century. The Duke is the narrator in this poem, and he talks of his bear Duchess portrait, which in turn slowly reveals his arrogant and selfish nature as her reminisces about her. When you first start reading the poem, you can see that the Duke thinks the Duchess is very beautiful- blusher could not hope to reproduce.She was also kind-hearted and easy to please, but as you read on you realise the Duke thinks of these qualities as faults because she doesnt reserve her attention for him he believes he is better than everyone else due to his rank and power. He misinterprets the fact that everyone is fond of her and accuses the Duchess for having multiple affairs when actually she was just responding with her natural kindness. This shows that the Duke was very selfish, and you could say he besides liked the Duchess because of her beauty.The Duk e Alfonso and Lucrezia de Medici were only married for two years before Lucrezia died under suspicious circumstances. Many say the Duke poisoned her, which shows how the Duke was only in love with her looks and how selfish he was. In the poem the Duchess death is caused by the Duke, as shown in the line He gave commands Then all smiles stopped together. Her death was caused when the Duke realised he couldnt carry her she still had her faults and the Duke hated them.Even after death he tries to control her by trapping her in a painting, where the spot of joy on her cheek is frigid in time, leaving the Duchess constantly smiling at those who look at her, if the Duke allows. Even though it is the Duke narrating the poem and he is the one complaining about the office the Duchess acted, it is not him that you pity- its the Duchess who you empathise with for having such a horrible husband.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity
The book, Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity, discusses the consolidation of the different fields of Christianity and psychology. In this book, the author, DN Entwistle, discusses integration as a combining the two books of deity. According to Entwistle (2004), the book of gods intelligence activity referred to the Bible, and the book of deitys flora reflects His deeds written throughout His creation. (p. 166). This is clearly sh give in the however sections of the book which discusses the models of integration.He then proceeds to include five models of integration in the book which argon enemies, spies, colonialists, impersonal parties, and allies as subjects of One main(a). The enemies model sees Christianity and psychology as enemies that read to be kept totally separate. The spies model has sensation discipline going into the early(a) to take only what works for them. Psychology, as employ to this discussion, enters the Christian world just to take the religious concepts that will work well with psychology. The colonialist model has adept discipline colonizing or taking control and prominence over the other.Religion works with psychology as broad as religious belief is superior to psychology. The neutral parties model, on the other hand, has both(prenominal) disciplines coexisting and recognizing each other as long as they respect each others boundaries. Psychology, according to the author, recognizes that religion has good concepts to offer simply it will not encroach on religions domain. The allies as subjects of One Sovereign model have both discipline work unneurotic to help bulk. It uses psychological and theological concepts in concert to gain a better understanding of the truth.According to Entwistle (2004), God gave birth to the subject of psychology ( homo behavior) when he created human worlds. God granted us the foundations of worship when He gave us His Word (p. 175). The book basically presents the pape r that in that location are two books of God His word and His works (Entwistle, 2004). Psychology deals with Gods works and theology deals with His word. Mans job as Christian counselors is to interpret both books and ruffle them together so that both books can be used in tandem to help other people.According to Entwistle, if one finds something that does not make sense between both books, there is a conflict that needs to be resolved before we can use it. At this point, one needs to go back and reread and study both books to see if one can find the discrepancy. Entwistle (2004) says that god gave man both books, unless man has to interpret for himself. The problem is not with Gods books, but it is the way man interprets them. homophile understanding of Gods books is based on mans worldview (Entwistle, 2004).While this may not needs be a new theory, a reading of this book has brought to mind a legitimate dwell wherein I felt that theology alone was not able to answer the many questions that I had. This had to do with my younger years when I had just followed my parents beliefs. When I began to question things, I looked to theology for answers but found none. I felt betrayed and confused. I had grown up believing that there were certain truths in this world and my religion was one of them. As I began to learn about the world, there were a number of things that just did not add up so to speak.In my confusion and sadness, I turned aside from my faith and began to explore other things. Needless to say, it was a very trying and difficult experience for me. I began to feel anger deep inside that I feel came from the betrayal at not being able to find the answers to the questions I had. As I read the book, however, I began to understand those troubled clock even more. I realized that I had only seen a part of the whole truth and was thusly unable to completely understand it. It was not about just knowing theology but excessively by having a good understandi ng of psychology.To properly integrate the two disciplines, we need to have a good understanding of both. We cannot just know theology or psychology and expect to integrate them well. We need to have a working knowledge of psychological theories and concepts as well as a working knowledge of Gods word. We need to remember, though, that our knowledge is only as good as our interpretation. Gods works have been affected by the overhaul into sin, and as a work of God our interpretations will be colored by the fall as well.On a personal level, I approximate this book has a lot of good ideas and concepts to it. I found it interesting to discuss the two books of God, because I had heard the term and knew what it meant, but had not really thought about what it included. I also want the models of integration and their explanations. They were explained well enough that anyone could follow them easily. Some of the things that bothered me the most about the book and its ideas are the idea of interpretation, the definition of integration, and where do we go from here.If we are the interpreters of Gods two books and we know that the fall and sin have colored our interpretations, how do we know if our interpretations of the books are correct? Can we interpret any book accurately? If our interpretations are wrong, can we do more harm than good to our clients? Is the definition of integration complete enough to help us know what we need to help others? When we use the current definitions of integration, do we get a complete picture of what integration means to both disciplines?With all of the models of integration, where do we go next? How do we make progress in the integration process? Can we ever integrate to a point where we can agree on most aspects of a model, or will there always be disagreement between the disciplines? These are all questions that I think are eventful to consider about integration. I think that integrating Christianity and psychology can benefit a Christian client by allowing us to address spiritual matters and use spiritual techniques for healing.It is important to remember that religion and psychology are both parts of Gods truth to us and can be used to help ourselves and others. When the two disciplines are integrated, we have many more options than when we use one or the other discipline separately. Finally use of both disciplines can help us reach people of faith as well as people who are not Christians, if we can use them both carefully and competently. This is perhaps the greatest thing that we can learn from this book because it not only helps solidify ones faith but also teach other people about their own faith as well.
Optimism and Robinson Crusoe
A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty Winston Churchill From the time human were born, they have been veneering up with difficulty, every time, everywhere, and never miss anyone. Our races have overcome and will overcome abundant problems, no matter how complex they were or they will be.And, very natural, it is the optimism that leads us from victory to victory, like Churchill had said read us see the light, even the slightest, in the darkness. We ever so see the sound how optimism has assisted we human, in depot of both literature, in the novel Robinson Crusoe, and the history of medical science. Sometimes, universe affirmative is the best thing lot can do, which is shown clearly in Robinson Crusoe. The protagonist, Robinson, is lost on an island. He himself with manages to survive and even take a shit his biography on the island become more comfortable.He has never given up hopes or lost his optimism, always thin ks that one day he will come back home. Not once does he move over to the fate and be depressed like many other would be in that case. His optimism and his indefatigable make his hope finally be fulfilled he is able get back to his country later on 28 years on the island in the sea. If he was not sanguine about his life and just believed hopelessly that he would die in that island, he would not be able to success. This fact powerfully substantiates how optimism can change our life even in the most trying circumstance.Provided that we keep being optimistic and try our best, we can overcome any problems in life. Another case when optimism plays an essential role is in medical science, where we day to day struggle with many deadly diseases, one of which is help. AIDS, which has infected million of people and caused a lot of death, is one of our biggest problems in the 21st century. There was once it is believed that this disease is incapable of being cured but the scientist did not lose there will.They had made indefatigable effort to scrutinize AIDS and they are sanguine that one day in the future AIDS will be curable. clip passed by and this notion has been gradually prove. Today, many breakthroughs in science have shed light on AIDS, thought there are not medicine that can cure AIDS, it has been strongly believed that in the rough future, when we fully understand AIDS, it will be curable. People, with optimism can overcome any things in our life which has been proven through the history of our race. It is optimism which is the most important factor of any victories.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Johnââ¬â¢s Termination Essay
This paper is about Mr. John who has been terminated by his boss and the undercoat behind this termination was the unsatisfactory standard of work that he did. This was really surprising for John as no one had ever objected about the work he did and so he was taken aback when he came to know about the termination. However, it was not entirely the fault of John as he had never been corrected before due to which he did not know about his mistakes. It is always wise for the commission to opt for certain steps prior to the termination and even after the termination as it tooshie have adverse affects on the other employees working in the organization.Before terminating John, it was the duty of the management to aver and to warn him about his performance at work as it is not ethical to terminate him in this way. Since the time an employee is hired, it is the responsibility of the human resource department of an organization to look after the employees. Firstly, they must need an effec tive recruitment process and securitizing of employees should be done carefully so that the employee is able to meet the expectations of the job. once the employee is hired, proper training must be provided, however still if any employee is not capable he should first be warned and should be asked to improve but if he does not show any progress, he must be transferred to near other department or must be given some other job that suits his qualification and experience as termination should always be the last extract for the management to opt for. The reason behind this is that termination always leaves a negative impact not just on the employee who has been terminated but on the existing employees as well as they ability fear that even they can also be terminated in future. (Leat, 2001).
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Alternative hypothesis Essay
A venture is a statement active the value of a universe parameter. The nation of interest is so magnanimous that for various reasons it would not be feasible to study all the items, or persons, in the population. Analternative to measuring or interviewing the entire population is to take a en hear from the population of interest. We can, therefore, test a statement to determine whether the empirical rise does or does not support the statement. Hypothesis testing starts with a statement, or assumption, about a population parameter such as the population mean. As noted, this statement is referred to as a scheme.A hypothesis might be that the mean monthly commission of salespeople in retail data processor stores is $2,000. We cannot contact all these salespeople to ascertain that the mean is in fact $2,000. The cost of locating and interviewing every calculating machine salesperson in the whole country would be exorbitant. To test the validity of the assumption (population me an = $2,000), we must select a sample from the population consisting of all computer salespeople, calculate sample statistics, and based on certain stopping focus rules hold or reject the hypothesis.A sample mean of $1,000 for the computer salespeople would sure cause rejection of the hypothesis. However, suppose the sample mean is $1,995. Is that close enough to $2,000 for us to go for the assumption that the population mean is $2,000? Can we attribute the difference of $5 between the two means to sampling (chance), or is that difference statistically significant? Hypothesis testing is a procedure based on sample evidence and luck theory to determine whether the hypothesis is a reasonable statement and should not be rejected, or is unreasonable and should be rejected.The trifling hypothesis and the alternative hypothesisThe nugatory hypothesis is a tentative assumption do about the value of a population parameter. The alternative hypothesis is a statement that will be cur rent if our sample data take into account us with ample evidence that the void hypothesis is false.Five-step procedure for testing a hypothesisThere is a five-step procedure that systematizes hypothesis testing. Thesteps are Step 1. State zero and alternative hypotheses.Step 2. Select a take of substance.Step 3. Identify the test statistic.Step 4. Formulate a decision rule.Step 5. Take a sample, arrive at decision (accept H 0 or reject H 0 and accept H 1 ).The first step is to state the hypothesis to be tested. It is called the null hypothesis, designated H 0 , and read H sub-zero. The capital letter H stands for hypothesis, and the subscript zero implies no difference. The null hypothesis is set up for the purpose of either accepting or rejecting it. To put it another way, the null hypothesis is a statement that will be accepted if our sample data fail to provide us with convincing evidence that it is false.It should be emphasized at this point that if the null hypothesis is accepted based on sample data, in effect we are saying that the evidence does not consent to us to reject it. We cannot state, however, that the null hypothesis is true. That means, accepting the null hypothesis does not prove that H 0 is true to prove without any doubt that the null hypothesis is true, the population parameter would overhear to be known. To actually determine it, we would have to test, survey, or count every item in the population and this is usually not feasible.It should also be noted that we frequently begin the null hypothesis by stating there is no significant difference between. When we select a sample from a population, the sample statistic is usually different from the hypothesized population parameter. We must make a judgment about the difference is it a significant difference, or is the difference between the sample statistic and the hypothesized population parameter due to chance (sampling)?To resolve this question, we conduct a test of significance . The alternative hypothesis describes what you will believe if you reject the null hypothesis. It is often called the research hypothesis, designated H 1 , and read H sub-one, so the alternative hypothesis will be accepted if the sample data provide us with evidence that the null hypothesis is false. The take aim of significanceThe next step, after setting up the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis, is to state the level of significance. It is the guess we assume of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true. The level of significance is designated , the Greek letter alpha.There is no one level of significance that is employ to all studies involving sampling. A decision must be made to use the 0.05 level (often stated as the 5 percent level), the 0.01 level, the 0.10 level, or any other level between 0 and 1. Traditionally, the 0.05 level is selected for customer research projects, 0.01 for quality assurance, and 0.10 for political polling and the chosen le vel is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true.The test statisticThe test statistic is a value, determined from sample information, used to accept or reject the null hypothesis. There are many test statistics z , t , and others. The decision rule acceptance and rejection spheresA decision rule is simply a statement of the conditions under which the null hypothesis is accepted or rejected. To accomplish this, the sampling distribution is divided into two regions, aptly called the region of acceptance and the region of rejection. The region or field of force of rejection defines the location of all those values that are so large or so small that the probability of their occurrence under a true null hypothesis is rather remote.Chart 4.1 portrays the regions of acceptance and rejection for a test of significance (a one-tailed test is being applied and the 0.05 level of significance was chosen). Note in Chart 4.1 The value 1.645 separates the regions o f acceptance and rejection (the value 1.645 is called the critical value). The area of acceptance includes the area to the left of 1.645. The area of rejection is to the right of 1.645.Thus, the critical value is a number that is the dividing point between the region of acceptance and the region of rejection.Chart 4.1. Sampling distribution for the statistic z regions of acceptance and rejection for a right-tailed test 0.05 level of significance
Friday, May 17, 2019
Biographical Interpretation Works In Relation Essay
Many literary kit and caboodle come across as hard for explanation, its been a problem since lit has been a main blockage in society. Over time many styles of interpretation have been both approached and adapted by readers and critics alike. One of the most popular is the biographical interpretation. This is when a reader makes use of details regarding the life, times and whole kit of an author as a means of solving interpretive problems. The biographical interpretation is a very total way to get inside the readers head because the past, and your past experiences are what shape your mind as it matures over time, even the smallest experience can make a decent sized impact on ones model process.Mark Twain is a sober example of an author that has been analyzed, peradventure even over analyzed. By every angle he has been waited at, most nonably for his works on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. If you were to read his book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn without taking a look at any biographical pieces about Mark Twain you would undoubtedly not get as much out of the allegory as you would in contrast, if you were to read the biography. To prove the point the help of the semi-biographical essay The Life of Samuel Clemens and the Reception of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn volition be called upon throughout the essay.At the beginning of the biographical essay there is an excellent explanation of the in the flesh(predicate) side of Twain the only clear picture is that Twain was a man of paradox (pg. 19). The argue this excerpt fits the topic of biographical interpretation is because one key banter within that quote, that key word being paradox. A paradox is a statement that seems contrary to common sense and yet is perhaps true. With The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn being the fabrication that we are taking a look at in contrast to the biographical side of Mark Twain this word, parad ox, fits perfectly since there are paradoxes running throughout the novel. A good example of a paradox in the novel is from the mouth of Huck Finn himself When it was dark I pay back by my campfire smoking, and feeling pretty satisfied barely by-and-by it got assortment of lonesome, and so I went and set(p) on the bank and counted the stars and drift-logs and rafts that come down, and then went to bed there aint no better way to put in time when you are lonesome youcant stay so, you soon get over it. (Pg. 62)The paradox that has been spoken by Huckleberry is that depression and lonesomeness can be slept away. Which when first heard can be looked over and seen as straight out nonsense. However if it is thought about closely most people that are depressed can be get a quick fix from what makes them depressed by sleeping through it as much as they can, sort of like sleep and relaxation was the drug of its time. It may sound inconceiv able now, but in the era that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was penned the idea of sleeping, or rather lounging around for days was not that inconceivable because they did not live(a) the busy lifestyle in which we live in current time.This is just one of many paradoxes throughout the book that reflect the author in a great way due to the fact that he was known as a living paradox because of the way he lived his life. For a man that make money out of writing about adventures of rafting down the Mississippi and barely getting by money wise seem so interesting. But grew up living in Connecticut for a good amount of time in his life and also seeking to be filthy rich, and have no worries is most likely the biggest paradox of his life.Another way that the book of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn can be looked at from a biographical perspective and make sense is the fact that the main characters in the novel have a very similar background as to which they grew up in. In a paragraph written by an African American professor of e astern studies and a writer of African-American folktales and poetry. A man by the name of Julius Lester speaks of the simileship between Huck, Tom, and Mark Twain himself in a very unique manner. but after he speaks of how he does not recollect ever reading the writings of Mark Twain, but then says something to the effect of what American child hasnt read the tales of Huck and Tom so perhaps he has, but the literature was not that significant to his life. What Lester has to say is something that most people taking the biographical interpretation approach should use as an approach to all authors in relation to the characters they write of I do have an emotional memory of going to Hannibal, Missouri with my parents when I was eight or nine, and visit the two-story frame house where Mark Twain lived as a boy-where Huck and Tom lived as boys. (Pg. 341, moral philosophy and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)This is a great comment because when you take a novel andtry and put a biograph ical interpretation onto that novel you need to take a very close look at the characters and their relation to the author. That is the mainstay of the biographical interpretation, how the characters are at all a parallel to the author. With Mark Twain himself maturement up for part of his life on the Mississippi it gave him great knowledge of what he was talking about, and it gave him the root of the characters that are now notable American icons. Him having the knowledge of the Mississippi, and of southern life in America at that time influenced the characters and the novel infinitely. Whether it is a satirical look at the way American life was at that time is a whole different essay. With all of this in mind it can be say that he sure lived the life of Huck and Tom whether it be on a lower level, or a parallel these characters and Mark Twain are one in the same.These are only a few examples of how the biographical interpretation of a novel is a very reliable approach to analyzin g literature as long as you know that the biographical information is accurate. Doing this will also make the novel much more enjoyable because if you read the biographical essay, paragraph, novel, etc. Then you will be able to go along the book and be able to not look down upon the book, but look more for the reason that that author had said what he said, and what he really meant by it. It is about looking from the inside and looking out at the novel for the reasons behind what was said, instead of looking into the novel for the reasons to not read the book altogether
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Dug Legalization in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Dug Legalization in America - Essay ExampleUsers who cause no malign to others argon incarcerated which not only ruins their professional and private lives but overcrowds the prison system which allows the archaeozoic passing game of violent criminals. It has been said that trying to stop drugs is like trying to stop the rain, still, the war continues as a prominent issue.Over half of the prisoners in jail are there for drug crimes. This causes overcrowding which results in the early release of dangerous, violent criminals. It is illogical from a societal view and inhumane to individuals who are marked as a criminal for life for activity that causes no harm to others. Those who are addicted receive picayune or no therapeutic help in prison. Instead of imprisoning people that need help, rehabilitation programs are a much more effective method to treat the problem but a rehabilitation system will not succeed if drugs continue to be illegal. Drug abusers will hardly set about help from the same government that tosses them in jail for the same thing.The hypocrisy of the drug war is apparent. all(prenominal) illegal drugs combined account for about 4,500 deaths in this country per year while tobacco is responsible for(p) for the deaths of 400,000 people annually and alcohol ends 80,000 peoples lives every year. (Fu, 2006) Legislators will not ban roll of tobacco because they indicate regulation regarding what adults do in privacy including what they can put into their bodies is clearly unconstitutional and an trespass on personal liberties. Everyone can differentiate the distinction between a person that takes in an infrequent alcoholic beverage and one who commits crimes while drunk. Why cant this simplistic reasoning be applied to drug users? Our code of law is founded upon a principle of presumptive rationality. Rational adults should be allowed to take for personal choices as long as those actions cause no harm to others. The U.S. government is unequ ivocally unwarrantable in choosing this particular
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Gore & Associates case Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
thrust & Associates case - Research Paper ExampleIn this case, the organization is divided into decision-making entities and affording them roles to undertake routine forms of decisions with respect to the operations of those entities (Grindle, 2007). This paper will look into the W. L. Gore & Associates radical approach of devolving decision making to the lowest levels of its organization. In decentralization, methodical efforts atomic number 18 made to bring power to subordinate levels. The delegation of power in decentralization is not from one person to some other but to each entity in an establishment (Grindle, 2007). An organization is deemed extremely decentralized, when entrustment is company-wide within all divisions and functions. Decentralization resist from centralization since in centralization, decision-making power rests on one individual only. Additionally, centralization is a type of tralatitious supervision in India whereas decentralization is a standard prac tice in professional management (Burton & Obel, 1995). Everything, which attempts to sight the significance of subordinates duties is decentralization and everything, which reduces it is centralization (Burton & Obel, 1995). ... Therefore, devolution with respect to office may hold in departmentation of operations. When power is dispersed, devolution is present (Burton & Obel, 1995). The requirement for devolution is manipulated when the company develops in its scope, which demands broadening of office operations. devolution ensues during decision formulating of routine kind but if verdicts are crucial, the power is not dispersed (Burton & Obel, 1995). The political factors technical development and accessibility of administrators also influence the extent of devolution. Devolution does not occur in its healthful sense. There exists a combination of the two since some operations are integrated and some are devolved (Grindle, 2007). What are the strengths of this approach? Decentr alization aids to enhance the quality of decision-making at pate-level management. Decentralization of power among subordinates at each level within a firm releases the top management the excessive responsibilities saving them measure to devote to more crucial and long-term glitches (Burton & Obel, 1995). This enhances the quality of top management decisions with respect to such problems. Devolution, therefore, provides top managers with chances of looking into other new methods of improving their companies by engaging in managerial forums (Grindle, 2007). The approach of devolving power to the lower levels in an organization accelerates diversification of operations in an organization. It is a subject of common knowledge that a company with departments upon the footing of its products accelerates diversification of market or products even when the power is centralized. Decentralization takes this outgrowth a footstep further.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Does Globalization help or hurt the state of Alabama Essay
Does Globalization help or hurt the terra firma of Alabama - Essay causaGlobalization effects are dependent on the state of development of the nation. Countries that are termed as return whitethorn not benefit from globalization compared to developed nations. This can be attributed to the lack adequate line to acquire technology to compete with developed nations. Globalization can thus be evaluated with regards to the effect it whitethorn have on the nation it affects. The state of Alabama will be positively affected by globalization (Mishkin 2009 187-196). Alabamas economy depends on various industries to ensure that there is economic growth in the state. Alabama generates its revenue from agriculture with leading products being livestock products. The states bucolic produce includes broilers, cattle, eggs, cotton, horticulture and calves. Crop farming comprises 18% of revenue generated from agriculture. The State has manufacturing industries that add value to the raw signifi cant imported or from the country. Manufacturing industries in the State increase the revenue generated as the products from the manufacturing industries retail at a higher price compared to the raw material exports. Fishing along the golf of Mexico provides the State with revenue. Mining provides the state with most of the States revenue with some of the minerals mined include coal, natural gasses and limestone. Mining in the State provides the local anesthetic people with employment which improves their lifestyle. The service industriousness withal contributes significantly to the States economy. The services provided in the state include community based, business government, and personal services (Cunat, 2009179-212). Effects of dispense The revenue generated from taxes levied on imports and exports from local and supranational businesses enable the government to run its operations. Globalization of economies requires that such dole out barriers be eliminated to assuage the free movement of commodities. The government can generate additional revenue from the business with globalization. Globalization encourages international investors. International investors increase the employment opportunities through the industries they venture into in the State. Imports will increase through globalization. change magnitude imports enable the citizens of the State to choose from a wide range of products provided in the market. The free trade also facilitates exports such that the industries in Alabama can market their products in all markets they may find profitable. The trade in processed good from the industries in the state ensures that it enjoys favorable terms of trade. Unlike other nations in particular the developing nation which star in sale of raw material, Alabamas finished products may retail at a higher cost thus improving the States terms of trade. Improved trade between other States would ensure that the nation reduces its budget deficits. Budget de ficits are as a egress of increased government spending compared to the revenue it generates. Increased trade between other States enables the government to lay away more revenue from the workers and the industries in the nation thus more revenue generated. Government spending in improvement of infrastructure and provision of some basic amenities can also be trim back by encouraging foreign investments (Andres 2011885-901). Competition may be viewed as a local industry destroyer with many weak industries falling under the pressure of competition. Competition
Monday, May 13, 2019
Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16
Comp be and contrast - Essay ExampleShe can also be really humorous and sends everybody on the floor laughing at her funny and interesting stories. On the other throw Annes personality is quite the oppositeness and is headstrong, catty and likes voicing her opinion. Mary at times seems to be laid back and brings out the funny bit of herself. Anne brings out the more augmentative and charismatic positioning .Though they have two completely different personalities, they are fun to be with. Mary is quite the opposite of my character whereas Anne is more like me in personality. My two friends also have interests that are somewhat the same. Anne and I two play football for our school whereas Mary loves snowboarding which she really enjoys. Anne on the other hand enjoys the cavort and has gone several times particularly during the winter.Mary is so much into boys and student council. Nevertheless, both(prenominal) of my friends are into extra-curricular activities in various ways. W hereas the two differ in several ways in each category, nevertheless, they both seem to complete my life in various ways. Anne makes me think in a more uninflected manner than what I am actually used to whereas Mary makes me view life at a different angle and not in a very serious manner. Even though both of them do not think greatly of one another, I do not know how I would cope without their varying opinions in life not forgetting their immense
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Economics - DQ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economics - DQ - Essay ExampleThe determine in this setting is Pargonto efficient which means that no one can be made better rancid without making anybody worst off. In the short run, some firms might gain and some loses but in the long-run a perfectly competitive foodstuff yields zero profit.The scenario is different from an imperfectly competitive market characterized by one or few number of sellers which gives the firms the ability to influence the pricing strategy. In this case, the customers are price takers as opposed to the perfectly competitive market where firms are price takers. In revisal to maximize simoleons, the firm set prices where borderline cost equals marginal revenue. Unlike in the perfectly competitive scenario, the firms in imperfect market have all the advantage of raising prices especially when price gingersnap of demand for customers is less than one.A price discriminating monopolist is one which perpetrations different prices to customers according to their willingness to pay. On the other hand, a normal monopolist is one that charges prices where marginal cost intersects marginal revenue. It should be noneworthy that as opposed to a perfectly competitive market, monopolists are free to choose prices in invest to maximize profits.A normal monopolist earns a much greater profit than a price discriminating one. It should be noted that monopolist gain profit through the deadweight loss which results in not producing at the maximum capacity. This deadweight loss is attained when price is set such that marginal cost equals marginal revenue. For a price discriminating monopolist, as the prices are individually charged according to the consumers willingness to pay, it will charge prices to the marginal customer similar to the prices and quantity of a perfectly competitive firm. In this way, the deadweight loss is eliminated from the pictures and the profits are not made. It should be
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Orientation to Biblcal Studies Literature review
Orientation to Biblcal Studies - Literature review ExampleThere is a sense of joyousness and effort hidden in finding something for ourselves. Thereby the sophisticated academic take on of give-and-take allows an somebody a chance to engage with a religious text in a such way that bingle tends to develop a personal appropriation of the watchword. A systematic modern written report of the scripture is pivotal because it exits to be the word of God and contains no fallacy or errors. An academic study of scripture is necessary to quintessentially realize the fact that God is there to take c be of this universe and miracles can happen even today as they happened about 2000 years ago in Israel. It is really possible to go through the scripture without understanding much of it. Even much easy it is to misinterpret the gist organic in the scripture or to interpret a word totally out of context. An academic study of the scripture helps one arrive at the demonstrable and correct understanding of the text in it and places ones decision to live by the word and to devote ones life to the study of scripture on a sound footing. A religious attending of the mass is not a sure way to receive the innate message of the scripture as there happens to be no preacher incapable of fallacy or not liable to make mistakes. Thereby a modern academic study of the scripture is a more eager and sincere way to receive the message in the scripture. ... However, to be able to accrue a firm judgment in these matters, it is imperative for a believer to personally engage in a systematic study of the scripture and to thoroughly run its content. And when it comes to preachers and teachers who intend to disseminate the good news implicit in the scripture, it is a must for them to have a thorough grounding in the text, so that what they preach to others is immaculately faultless and in consonance with the uncoiled message in the scripture. Hence, the study of the scripture is an integ ral aspect of a believers life, and more so for the believers who intend to spread and convey the good news to others. In the contemporary times when it is feasible to engage in an academically sound study of the scripture, and considering the abundance of sources available on the scripture, it behoves any believer to engage in an academically systematic study of the scripture, even if it happens to be of the most basic or simple scope. A modern academic study of the scripture helps one understand its importance and thereby encourages and motivates one to work hard in construing the message given in it. However, it goes without saying that there are also many pitfalls associated with an academic study of the scripture. One of the essential pitfalls in this context is that a bookman with ample erudition in the academic study of the scripture may lose contact with the actual spirit of the text and in self-conceitedness based on personal scholarship may end up believing the scripture t o be a historical or literary text (Gooder 56). It is important to jockey the scripture, yet, it is even more important for a believer to know the Lord. Hence, while engaged in a systematic study of the scripture it is important for a student not
Friday, May 10, 2019
Le Dejeuner Sur L'herbe By Edouard Manet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Le Dejeuner tire Lherbe By Edouard Manet - Essay ExampleIn my opinion, the moving-picture show was addressing the gender polarities and the social and cultural context of the milieu and life that were led by individuals in the earned run average. Moreover, the painting reveals a suburb environment because it was the only the spicy that were associated with the kind of lifestyle that was composed and lavished. However, the painting also credits a post paradigm of dual meanings and subject positions that are present in the different societies found within the globe. The painting reveals the artist disinterest that many viewers interpret as his elusiveness, but acknowledges that indeed the painting appeals to the postmodern sensibilities present in this21st era that has been characterized by globalizations of scotch, social and economic era .The painting also reveals theory of negotiated involutions of rough-cut favors between the four images displayed on the painting and reflect s the negotiated affair of mutual favors present within the society. In a wider context an individual can view that that two the images on the painting revealed that the women were responsible for providing other favors same sexual favors to the men and they in return appareled like men of class would gain diversion by paying dearly for the services that were world given to them. Religiously, the painting reveals to a larger close the immorality that had engrossed the society because the nudity and baby-sit of the painting is contrary to the teachings of the bible. Nudity was something left for only.... However, the painting also credits a post paradigm of multiple meanings and subject positions that are present in the different societies found within the globe. The painting reveals the artist neutrality that many viewers interpret as his elusiveness, but acknowledges that indeed the painting appeals to the postmodern sensibilities present in this21st era that has been charac terized by globalizations of economic, social and economic era2. The painting also reveals theory of negotiated affairs of mutual favors between the four images displayed on the painting and reflects the negotiated affair of mutual favors present within the society. In a wider context an individual can view that that both the images on the painting revealed that the women were responsible for providing other favors like sexual favors to the men and they in return dressed like men of class would gain pleasure by paying dearly for the services that were being given to them. Religiously, the painting reveals to a larger extent the immorality that had engrossed the society because the nudity and posture of the painting is contrary to the teachings of the bible. Nudity was something left for only married couple and it was highly sacrilegious for a woman to show her nudity to individuals apart from their husbands. Socially, the painting symbolizes prostitution in the era because it was on ly prostitutes who could freely reveal their nudity to their clients as they were receiving material gains and other favors from them. However, when compared to other paintings made by other artist, audiences during the era did not see any negative or immoral aspect from the painting especially from the spot of the catholic view because
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Classroom Observation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
schoolroom Observation - Essay ExampleWhile determining how the teacher controls the behavior in the classroom the commentator was informed that the formula of conduct in each class of the school was created in the beginning of the year. As an example the perceiver found that the punishment for talking when the teacher is teaching has four stages. If the student is caught talking for the first time the teacher gives him verbal reminder. If the student is caught talking after the first reminder indeed the second time the teacher non only gives him verbal reminder but also reminds him of the classs reckon of conduct. If despite the two reminders the student does not stop then the teacher gives him the third and final sample verbally. If these three stages have not worked and the teacher finds him talking continuously then the teacher asks him and his other classmates if involved, to at present leave the classroom and return only when they have controlled themselves completely.T he teacher does not lay down the code of conduct alone but students atomic number 18 also involved in it. This approach helps the teacher in controlling the behavior in the classroom as current research shows that rules made together argon usually more successful than teacher made rules. It gives the students a chance to voice their opinions and take possession for the code of conduct. According to Cole et al. Activities cannot be seen or planned in isolation. The way all the adults who are involved with the children share their strategies and the childs response is vital. This is not a one way or single channeled process. (2) accordingly when the students are sent out as a punishment they do not have each option but to obey the teacher as they too were involved in formulating this rule. They do not hold any grudges against the teacher later also due to this fact. Does the teacher integrate the content areasThe observer witnessed that the teacher real skillfully integrated the c ontent areas. It was not much difficult for her to do so because with science as a subject, it becomes easy to integrate many of the content areas. Social Studies- map skills math- formulas for speed, time, rendering charts and graphs ELA- writing conclusions and coming up with hypothesis were all integrated by her. This made her teaching very interesting to the students. Cole rightly pointed out that children need to be challenged, the activities exciting and dynamic. (2)It has been found that students perform bump when skills overlap in each area of their curriculum. The school that the observer visited believes in team teaching where policies and procedures await constant for all content area classes.How does the teacher influence the classroom atmosphereIn tack to promote a congenial classroom atmosphere it is not enough to just lecture students on what to do and what not to. The students scrutinize teachers and try to find out whether teachers themselves are practici ng what they are preaching. Teachers should be the consumption models of appropriate behavior. Only then can she influence the classroom atmosphere in a autocratic way. The observer found that the teacher of the classroom that he visited is an excellent model of appropriate behavior, language and comme il faut dressing. She carried herself well and thus
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