Monday, September 30, 2019

Scholary vs Popular Media Focus on Sexuality Paper

It’s a Quick Way to Get What You Want†: A Formative Exportation of HIV Risk Among Urban Massachusetts Men Who Have Sex with Men(MSM) Who Attend Sex Parties was an article retrieved from the AIDS Patient Care and STD Journal it was published in October of 2010. The authors of this article are Matthew J. Mimiaga, Sari L. Reisner, Sean Bland, Kevin Cranston, Deborah Isenberg, Maura A. Driscoll, Rodney VanDerwarker, and Kenneth Mayer. The main focus of the research was to investigate the HIV sexual risk behaviors of MSM who reported attending and/or hosting sex parties in Massachusetts in the past 12 months. Men who have sex with men at these sex parties are at greater risk of receiving HIV or an STI due to the fact there are other factors involved like alcohol, drugs, higher mean of anonymous partners, and unprotected sex(Migiaga, 2010). This study took place at the Fenway Health a health care and research facility. There were 40 preselected participants who completed an in depth, semi structured qualitative interview and an interviewer-administered comprehensive quantitative assessment series for a hour and a half. The study/interviews were conducted by one of two trained interviewers. That asked questions like†¦ How would you define a sex party? When did you begin hosting/attending sex parties? Describe the sex parties you attended/hosted? Are condoms and lube available at these parties? What kind of sexual behaviors do men engage in and what HIV and STI risk behavior do you see happening? Do you participate or organize these parties? Any rules involved in your parties? While asking these questions they also assessed psychosocial factors like depression, anxiety, problematic alcohol used and history of drug or alcohol abuse, and the trauma history (like childhood sexual abuse). Results/conclusion of the study suggested that the men who attended these parties are at great risk of acquiring or transmitting the HIV due to the reasons explained throughout the article(Migiaga, 2010). â€Å"Party, Play—And Pay† was an article recovered from the Newsweek Journal that was published in February of 2005. This article gives a very detailed brief account of what a sex party full of men on crystal meth is like other wise known as â€Å"Party and Play†, or PnP for short. The authors describe the sex party scene as a room full of about 30 to 40 men paying 20 dollars a piece to the host of this party, they put all their belongs in hefty bags for safe keeping while they walk around in the nude having sex with multiple partners unprotected and using illegal drugs. The authors mention several factors that were putting these men at risk such as drug usage, multiple partners, and unprotected sex. They talk about how one person on meth and having hundreds of unsafe sexual encounters could have been the result in a powerful drug-resistant strain of HIV. Leaving health officials and the community leaders to take a long look on how crystal methamphetamine is playing an enormous role in the spread of the AIDS Virus and HIV(Jefferson, Breslau, Darmen, Childress, & Juarez, 2005). The authors depict how crystal meth leaves its users with a euphoric and hypersexual feeling, leading in binges with multiple partners for several days. In the article, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men that are high on crystal meth are four times more likely to engage in unprotected sex than those who are not high. The article also reveals that many men pop Viagra to counter temporary impotence. This mix of drugs makes users more open to unsafe sex, thus leading to a greater risk of contracting HIV. They concluded the article with an interview on someone who has lived the life of the â€Å"Party, Play—And Pay† and how they lost everything!  Both of these articles are referring to the great epidemic that is infecting the gay community-HIV. They talk about how behaviors like attendance of private sex parties, drug usage, sex with multiple partners, and use of unprotected sex are assisting in the growth of HIV amongst the gay community. Even though these articles are providing a lot of the same information, they are very different. The scholarly article compared to the public media article is a lot more in depth and have factual numbers that were taken from the direct study. The authors of a scholarly article seem to leave â€Å"no stone unturned† and no question unasked. The scholarly article encompasses an abstract-giving a description on the whole study which then leads to the introduction, methods used for example the design and the setting where the study took place and they how data was collected, how the candidates were chosen to participate. It also discussed how the qualitative interview was preformed and they questions that were asked, the article gave a quantitative assessment and the approach that was taken to retrieve the information, thus ending in results, conclusion and the discussion. The scholarly article provided information, numbers, percentages, and averages about the demographics, sexual behavior, and psychosocial characteristics of the men who were interviewed and surveyed in this study. It is written in a very formal tone, in great detail, displayed the authors’ findings to be displayed for other experts and students in a specific field to study and review. All of the authors who wrote on the scholarly were experts with degrees. Most of the scholarly articles found consisted of more then just one or two pages and they have specific guidelines. The authors cite their sources though out the article and they also include a list of references at the very end. Graphs and data were included. Once the study is completed and the article is written it goes through a â€Å"rigorous† peer review process (Unknown, 2009). The public media article gave an informal tone (Unknown, 2009) to the whole â€Å"HIV, drugs, gay men, and sex parties. They used information, facts, numbers, and percentages from different sources like the â€Å"Centers for Disease Control and Prevention† and other various resources instead of conducting their own control study, survey, or interviews researched amongst a trained research team. Scholarly and popular media both provide a great amount of information, just presented differently. Scholarly articles seem to provide you with a more intellectual approach(Unknown , 2009) to the topic or what you are trying to learn and can be used perfectly in an academic environment, but unlike the popular media article its just numbers, demographics, facts taken from a research and its subjects. It lacks the real stories and visual pictures of human beings and how they are being affected by this epidemic. Talking about how some people lost their jobs, homes, family, and life to the life-style that lead them to AIDS or HIV, as a result hitting a little closer to home and how it’s affecting today’s gay community and what they are doing to counter act these behaviors. Professors like to advertise scholarly and peer reviewed articles simply because it is an array of factual information written by the subject matter experts in a very formative way. Sex is something that is not formally studied often and that’s why people have many different perceptions of what sex is really like. Sometimes these perceptions can lead to a lot of misleading information. Sex can be common to some but not so common to others due to the fact there are many aspects to sex like bisexuality, homosexuality, and heterosexuality. No one knows it all when it comes to sex and this is why you should leave it to the experts. This is perhaps why scholarly articles are preferred and â€Å"hyped up† by professors. Scholarly and public media articles can be very reliable depending on the source and their credentials. Conducting this review of the differences of a scholarly/peer reviewed article and the public media had shown me the pros and cons to both types of articles. If you are looking for an article that is reliable academically and that has been reviewed by many of subject experts-scholarly articles are what you’re looking for. If you are looking for informal information with very little statistics but reliable information on the subject matter you can read a public media article. In conclusion, if you really want to know more about the subject, look up both the scholarly and in public media articles just to gather a wide assortment of information from different variable resources.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Leaders Are Born Not Made

ESSAY TITLE: LEADERS ARE BORN NOT MADE AUTHOR: AYODELE OLATOYE SUMMARY: The essay refutes the viewpoint that leaders are born not made, and seeks to establish through valid arguments, illustrations and documented evidence that leaders are actually made and not born WORD COUNT: 1920 LEADERS ARE BORN NOT MADE Folklore has lulled us into believing that some people are born leaders while others are not.Regardless of tribe, ethnicity or race, most people can trace their origins back to a monarchical or feudal system where the offspring of the reigning family found themselves thrust into leadership positions regardless of their inclinations to rule or not. To further impress this upon our collective psyches, the legends of such royal ancestors are interwoven with thrilling notions of romantic adventure and grandeur, and we unwittingly find ourselves mentally acquiescing to the untruth that some people are born to lead while others are destined to merely follow.History has however proven ot herwise; leaders are made not born. The fall of monarchical systems of government occurred slowly but surely over centuries, as it became apparent to all that leadership is to be earned, and is not a birthright. Nobility was no longer a question of bloodline but of courage, strength of character and the ability to motivate your peers to follow you in achieving a common goal. Some critics would argue that the most prominent features of leaders such as courage, charisma and strength are personality traits which are inherited and cannot be taught (Colleen 2012).Research has however shown that the human personality is extremely malleable, and under the right tutelage and exposure to carefully calibrated exercises, leadership attributes can be developed by anyone who is willing to invest the required amount of time and energy to achieve these results (Parks 2005). It has also been argued that another key requirement for leadership is pleasant good looks which are an inherited feature (Co lleen 2012).This is however an unsubstantiated assumption and perhaps is only relevant in the realm of politics where the ability to assume an office is often indicative of a strong political machinery backing you, and not your ability to lead and motivate. True leadership is not an office but a lifestyle. Mahatma Ghandi may not have qualified as a prospect for GQ’s cover page but he is undisputedly one of the most influential leaders in modern history. Perhaps it would be instructive to clarify who a leader is before proceeding further. ‘A leader is a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a certain goal’ (Merriam-Webster n. . ). Leaders exist in almost every facet and sphere of life we may choose to examine; the family unit, schools, religious organisations, business institutions and states. The manner in which they influence people varies from individual to individual. One of the areas which has witnessed the most review and analysi s is the business environment, where the efficacy of a leader could determine whether an organisation thrives or goes under, and with it the fates of staff, shareholders and other stakeholders whose livelihoods are inexorably linked to the business.We will therefore restrict our review to the attributes of a successful business leader and an analysis of whether such traits are inherited or cultivated. One key trait which most of the literature written on great business leaders agree on as a required characteristic is excellent communication skills. A leader must be able to clearly communicate his vision in compelling terms that will motivate his team to follow him into the thick of the fray, be it the floor of the New York Stock exchange or into the last quarter of the year where the sales figures will determine whether the organisation sinks or swims.Is the ability to communicate convincingly an inborn trait? History would lead us to believe otherwise. According to folklore, Demost henes was the most famed of Greek orators whose first attempt at public speaking earned him the derision of his peers for his efforts (Horne 2007). Through dedication and the proper tutelage, he overcame a speech handicap and eventually became a voice that all of Greece respected. In the modern world, the abundance of voice coaches and public speaking training material points to the fact that excellent communication skills can be learnt.In addition, as organisations continue to grow in size and staffing, an increasing amount of the intra-organisational communication is written and no longer verbal. CEOs communicate their vision and the company’s direction to the entire staff via written emails. Though some critics may maintain that good communication skills are inherited, it is unlikely that even the strongest proponents of this view will believe that the ability to type concise emails is an inborn talent. Another important leadership trait is passion; passion is infectious n d galvanises those around you into pouring their energy into the goals you have set. It is obviously apparent that some people are naturally more passionate than others and this is inarguably an inborn personality trait. As a leader however, you are not required to be passionate about every single thing; you however must be passionate about your job, your organisation and the objectives you have set. In the book ‘Who Am I; The Quest for Entrepreneurial Identity’, Charles Y. Murnieks states ‘†¦ ntrepreneurial passion is significantly related to the setting of proximal goals’ (Murnieks 2008). This suggests that any leader who is fiercely committed to a goal inadvertently becomes passionate about it. Goal setting and focus is a trait which can definitely be taught and are the precursors to the passion that a great leader needs. On the other hand, being a passionate person in a general sense is no guarantee of great leadership. On the contrary, passion tha t is not built on predetermined goals may lead to emotional decisions which could destroy an organisation.A third important leadership trait is courage. In the course of running an organisation, a leader must have the courage to take decisions which could either make or break that organisation. Whether it is choosing the sectors to invest businesses capital in or selling off an ailing subsidiary, his courage will constantly be put to test. He must also have the courage to face his staff with candour and give unpleasant feedback to an employee who may not be pulling his weight.A study by Daniel Goleman surprisingly revealed that fearlessness, amongst others, is often an inherited trait (Goleman 1986). It appears that some children are born with a higher threshold of fear and risk aversion than others. An insensitivity to fear however does not necessarily make a courageous leader. In the article ‘The Meaning of Courage’, Richard Zinbarg states ‘In my view, however, we cannot be courageous or strong in situations in which we have no fear or anxiety whatsoever’ (Zinbarg 2010). Courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc. despite anxiety or fear’ (Rachman 1978). This thus means that the quality of courage which one needs to have to be an effective leader is not ingrained at birth, but rather is developed over time by the habit of constantly facing ones fears. Many leadership training organisations teach this trait with rock climbing or mountain climbing exercises, which will gradually help the students face down their fears and take challenges head on.The military also recruit young men and women into their ranks and through trainings, exercises and exposure to real armed conflict situations, gradually shape them into courageous combat ready soldiers. This is perhaps one of the reasons why the American people had until recently only voted ex-military political candidates into office; they naturally believed that these men would have cultivated the traits of strength and fearlessness during their time in the military. Integrity is another important attribute of a good leader.The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines integrity as the ‘firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values (Merriam-Webster n. d. ). Are some people born with integrity whilst others are born with a propensity for deceit and inconsistency? Research shows that children growing up are prone to adopt the moral code and values which their models exhibit from birth to about the age of 7, when they begin to observe and appraise the results of actions on subjects as well as the attendant repercussions.They then begin to form their own value system which continues to be shaped throughout their lives (Thomas 1993). Integrity is a learned attribute and leaders can therefore not be born with it; it is an acquired trait. A review of the biographies of great leaders often refer to defining moments in their lives where experiences occurred that shaped and defined their moral codes for the rest of their lives. One of the greatest examples of this is the story of President Abraham Lincoln, fondly known as ‘Honest Abe’ by the people of America.He exposed himself at a very early age to character moulding literature that extolled the virtues of integrity and individual struggle, thereby internalising the accounts of other great men and consciously adopting their moral codes (Carwardine 2003). The mere fact that peer pressure, lack of a proper family structure and environmental/ community factors have been identified as three of the main contributing factors to teen crime (Muhammad 2008) establish that integrity or the lack of it is a learned behaviour and not an inherited trait.This is one of the reasons why juvenile corrective authorities always seek foster parents for adolescents whom they perceive to be in danger of being corrupted by their soci ety. The human race has made exceptional leaps in the past century on numerous frontiers; medicine, law, science, technology, and most of the other endeavours we have focused our mental energy and resources on. In the business world, the number of registered companies (either with physical or virtual offices) is rising quickly and with it the portfolio and profile of its owners and managers.The leaders of these advancements and breakthroughs did not let questions of their genetic predisposition to leadership deter them from achieving the feats they have accomplished. Proposing that leadership is a birthright and therefore the exclusive right of a privileged few would be encouraging scores of people to abdicate their natural duty of being the best version of themselves they possibly can, encouraging them to ignore the plethora of opportunities to lead and make a difference, encouraging them to give up at the first sign of difficulty.The last and arguably the most important trait of a great leader is faith; faith in his ability to lead his team and actually make a difference. It is only by understanding that great leaders are made and not born that we can have the faith to put ourselves through the gruelling process it takes to shape our minds and bodies, and thereby become the exceptional leaders that we all can be.Bibliography Carwardine, Richard. Lincoln. London, 2003. Colleen, Sharen. â€Å"Leaders are Born not Made. † Thinking is Hard Work, 2012. Goleman, Daniel. â€Å"New York Times. † New York Times, 2 December 1986. Horne, C. F. Heritage History. History Curriculum Homeschool, 2007. Merriam-Webster. â€Å"Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. † http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/integrity. Muhammad, Ali. Youth Crime; Causes and Remedies. 2008. Murnieks, Charles Y. Whom Am I; The Quest for Entrepreneural Identity. 2008. Parks, Sharon Daloz. â€Å"Leadership Can Be Taught: A Bold Approach for a Complex World. † 2005: 5-6. Rachman, Stanley. Fear and Courage. 1978. Thomas, Laurence. Morality and Psychological Development. Basil Blackwell Ltd, 1993. Zinbarg, Richard. The Meaning of Courage. 2010. Leaders Are Born Not Made ESSAY TITLE: LEADERS ARE BORN NOT MADE AUTHOR: AYODELE OLATOYE SUMMARY: The essay refutes the viewpoint that leaders are born not made, and seeks to establish through valid arguments, illustrations and documented evidence that leaders are actually made and not born WORD COUNT: 1920 LEADERS ARE BORN NOT MADE Folklore has lulled us into believing that some people are born leaders while others are not.Regardless of tribe, ethnicity or race, most people can trace their origins back to a monarchical or feudal system where the offspring of the reigning family found themselves thrust into leadership positions regardless of their inclinations to rule or not. To further impress this upon our collective psyches, the legends of such royal ancestors are interwoven with thrilling notions of romantic adventure and grandeur, and we unwittingly find ourselves mentally acquiescing to the untruth that some people are born to lead while others are destined to merely follow.History has however proven ot herwise; leaders are made not born. The fall of monarchical systems of government occurred slowly but surely over centuries, as it became apparent to all that leadership is to be earned, and is not a birthright. Nobility was no longer a question of bloodline but of courage, strength of character and the ability to motivate your peers to follow you in achieving a common goal. Some critics would argue that the most prominent features of leaders such as courage, charisma and strength are personality traits which are inherited and cannot be taught (Colleen 2012).Research has however shown that the human personality is extremely malleable, and under the right tutelage and exposure to carefully calibrated exercises, leadership attributes can be developed by anyone who is willing to invest the required amount of time and energy to achieve these results (Parks 2005). It has also been argued that another key requirement for leadership is pleasant good looks which are an inherited feature (Co lleen 2012).This is however an unsubstantiated assumption and perhaps is only relevant in the realm of politics where the ability to assume an office is often indicative of a strong political machinery backing you, and not your ability to lead and motivate. True leadership is not an office but a lifestyle. Mahatma Ghandi may not have qualified as a prospect for GQ’s cover page but he is undisputedly one of the most influential leaders in modern history. Perhaps it would be instructive to clarify who a leader is before proceeding further. ‘A leader is a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a certain goal’ (Merriam-Webster n. . ). Leaders exist in almost every facet and sphere of life we may choose to examine; the family unit, schools, religious organisations, business institutions and states. The manner in which they influence people varies from individual to individual. One of the areas which has witnessed the most review and analysi s is the business environment, where the efficacy of a leader could determine whether an organisation thrives or goes under, and with it the fates of staff, shareholders and other stakeholders whose livelihoods are inexorably linked to the business.We will therefore restrict our review to the attributes of a successful business leader and an analysis of whether such traits are inherited or cultivated. One key trait which most of the literature written on great business leaders agree on as a required characteristic is excellent communication skills. A leader must be able to clearly communicate his vision in compelling terms that will motivate his team to follow him into the thick of the fray, be it the floor of the New York Stock exchange or into the last quarter of the year where the sales figures will determine whether the organisation sinks or swims.Is the ability to communicate convincingly an inborn trait? History would lead us to believe otherwise. According to folklore, Demost henes was the most famed of Greek orators whose first attempt at public speaking earned him the derision of his peers for his efforts (Horne 2007). Through dedication and the proper tutelage, he overcame a speech handicap and eventually became a voice that all of Greece respected. In the modern world, the abundance of voice coaches and public speaking training material points to the fact that excellent communication skills can be learnt.In addition, as organisations continue to grow in size and staffing, an increasing amount of the intra-organisational communication is written and no longer verbal. CEOs communicate their vision and the company’s direction to the entire staff via written emails. Though some critics may maintain that good communication skills are inherited, it is unlikely that even the strongest proponents of this view will believe that the ability to type concise emails is an inborn talent. Another important leadership trait is passion; passion is infectious n d galvanises those around you into pouring their energy into the goals you have set. It is obviously apparent that some people are naturally more passionate than others and this is inarguably an inborn personality trait. As a leader however, you are not required to be passionate about every single thing; you however must be passionate about your job, your organisation and the objectives you have set. In the book ‘Who Am I; The Quest for Entrepreneurial Identity’, Charles Y. Murnieks states ‘†¦ ntrepreneurial passion is significantly related to the setting of proximal goals’ (Murnieks 2008). This suggests that any leader who is fiercely committed to a goal inadvertently becomes passionate about it. Goal setting and focus is a trait which can definitely be taught and are the precursors to the passion that a great leader needs. On the other hand, being a passionate person in a general sense is no guarantee of great leadership. On the contrary, passion tha t is not built on predetermined goals may lead to emotional decisions which could destroy an organisation.A third important leadership trait is courage. In the course of running an organisation, a leader must have the courage to take decisions which could either make or break that organisation. Whether it is choosing the sectors to invest businesses capital in or selling off an ailing subsidiary, his courage will constantly be put to test. He must also have the courage to face his staff with candour and give unpleasant feedback to an employee who may not be pulling his weight.A study by Daniel Goleman surprisingly revealed that fearlessness, amongst others, is often an inherited trait (Goleman 1986). It appears that some children are born with a higher threshold of fear and risk aversion than others. An insensitivity to fear however does not necessarily make a courageous leader. In the article ‘The Meaning of Courage’, Richard Zinbarg states ‘In my view, however, we cannot be courageous or strong in situations in which we have no fear or anxiety whatsoever’ (Zinbarg 2010). Courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc. despite anxiety or fear’ (Rachman 1978). This thus means that the quality of courage which one needs to have to be an effective leader is not ingrained at birth, but rather is developed over time by the habit of constantly facing ones fears. Many leadership training organisations teach this trait with rock climbing or mountain climbing exercises, which will gradually help the students face down their fears and take challenges head on.The military also recruit young men and women into their ranks and through trainings, exercises and exposure to real armed conflict situations, gradually shape them into courageous combat ready soldiers. This is perhaps one of the reasons why the American people had until recently only voted ex-military political candidates into office; they naturally believed that these men would have cultivated the traits of strength and fearlessness during their time in the military. Integrity is another important attribute of a good leader.The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines integrity as the ‘firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values (Merriam-Webster n. d. ). Are some people born with integrity whilst others are born with a propensity for deceit and inconsistency? Research shows that children growing up are prone to adopt the moral code and values which their models exhibit from birth to about the age of 7, when they begin to observe and appraise the results of actions on subjects as well as the attendant repercussions.They then begin to form their own value system which continues to be shaped throughout their lives (Thomas 1993). Integrity is a learned attribute and leaders can therefore not be born with it; it is an acquired trait. A review of the biographies of great leaders often refer to defining moments in their lives where experiences occurred that shaped and defined their moral codes for the rest of their lives. One of the greatest examples of this is the story of President Abraham Lincoln, fondly known as ‘Honest Abe’ by the people of America.He exposed himself at a very early age to character moulding literature that extolled the virtues of integrity and individual struggle, thereby internalising the accounts of other great men and consciously adopting their moral codes (Carwardine 2003). The mere fact that peer pressure, lack of a proper family structure and environmental/ community factors have been identified as three of the main contributing factors to teen crime (Muhammad 2008) establish that integrity or the lack of it is a learned behaviour and not an inherited trait.This is one of the reasons why juvenile corrective authorities always seek foster parents for adolescents whom they perceive to be in danger of being corrupted by their soci ety. The human race has made exceptional leaps in the past century on numerous frontiers; medicine, law, science, technology, and most of the other endeavours we have focused our mental energy and resources on. In the business world, the number of registered companies (either with physical or virtual offices) is rising quickly and with it the portfolio and profile of its owners and managers.The leaders of these advancements and breakthroughs did not let questions of their genetic predisposition to leadership deter them from achieving the feats they have accomplished. Proposing that leadership is a birthright and therefore the exclusive right of a privileged few would be encouraging scores of people to abdicate their natural duty of being the best version of themselves they possibly can, encouraging them to ignore the plethora of opportunities to lead and make a difference, encouraging them to give up at the first sign of difficulty.The last and arguably the most important trait of a great leader is faith; faith in his ability to lead his team and actually make a difference. It is only by understanding that great leaders are made and not born that we can have the faith to put ourselves through the gruelling process it takes to shape our minds and bodies, and thereby become the exceptional leaders that we all can be.Bibliography Carwardine, Richard. Lincoln. London, 2003. Colleen, Sharen. â€Å"Leaders are Born not Made. † Thinking is Hard Work, 2012. Goleman, Daniel. â€Å"New York Times. † New York Times, 2 December 1986. Horne, C. F. Heritage History. History Curriculum Homeschool, 2007. Merriam-Webster. â€Å"Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. † http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/integrity. Muhammad, Ali. Youth Crime; Causes and Remedies. 2008. Murnieks, Charles Y. Whom Am I; The Quest for Entrepreneural Identity. 2008. Parks, Sharon Daloz. â€Å"Leadership Can Be Taught: A Bold Approach for a Complex World. † 2005: 5-6. Rachman, Stanley. Fear and Courage. 1978. Thomas, Laurence. Morality and Psychological Development. Basil Blackwell Ltd, 1993. Zinbarg, Richard. The Meaning of Courage. 2010.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Analyse and evaluate the impact of volunteer tourism on host Essay - 3

Analyse and evaluate the impact of volunteer tourism on host communities - Essay Example If the host community is from developing countries, it is therefore evident that host community might have little or no knowledge on how to develop and manage development projects. For this reason, the volunteer tourists find it critical to design some training programs that would enable the community to come up with projects that can help them overcome various economical and social challenges facing them. This way, even after the tourists leave the community, the trained members would be in a position to run the already established projects and even be able to come up with others. Therefore, they do not necessarily have to rely on the tourists all the time they have challenges. The overall goal for such an initiative is to equip the community with the necessary knowledge that they can use to alienate poverty and other social economic challenges (Bricker, et al 256). For instance, many developing countries have arable lands, but they lack the knowledge that can be used to make it economically viable. In such a situation, volunteer tourists may decide to come up with a project that educates farmers on the best farming practices that can help them improve their outputs. On the same note, although some people may be having good knowledge of producing abundant farm products, some may lack the necessary skills that would enable them make good earning from the same. Some produce perishable products that cannot last for a long time, but lack the knowledge on how to preserve them. In that case, volunteer tourists can help them on how to preserve such products. On the other hand, although some would be able to produce abundant products, they might lack the skills required to trade in order to get money from their products. Different trading skills can be taught and how that can be turn around to become a farming business. Therefore, it is correct to argue that provision of

Friday, September 27, 2019

Consumer Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3

Consumer Behaviour - Essay Example In the modern business scenario, sustaining customer relation is more important that the old and often unsustainable "sell-it-forget-it" attitude. To build consumer loyalty and brand appreciation, marketing managers are increasingly turning to consumer psychology to create products and ad campaigns that are more compelling to the human psyche and easily retained in the human mind. In business, everything has a life cycle. Products, services, ad campaigns etc. have a vibrant period of activity after which it loses its sheen and becomes a liability on the company that promotes it. Even concepts have a life period after which they lose their relevance. This applies to ad campaigns as well. Ad campaigns have to be devised, modified, upgraded and dispersed at the right time and with optimum intensity in order to be of any value. Ad campaigns have to be devised keeping the consumer in mind. This means that each ad campaign will have an intended audience as its focus. Depending on the focus, ad campaigns will have to change its tone and tenor to attract the attention of the audience. A textbook definition of consumer behaviour is "The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society." 1 Not every ad is suitable for all age groups. Ads that are targeted at the young must be suited to their style and concepts. In addition, a very important point that campaigners have to adhere to is that ads must also satisfy peer pressure and not only the demands of the individual. Many young customers are easily swayed by peer pressure while older folks are more practical while considering the services that they plan to buy. Hence, while ads with a practical message often work well with older people, younger consumers

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Implementation of Total Quality Management in Libyan banking Essay

The Implementation of Total Quality Management in Libyan banking sector - Essay Example Continuous improvement is a key element which enables the organisation to meet customer requirements, but it can be achieved when all employees understand what and how they are supposed to do and in what direction. Hence it is the responsibility of the management team to generate opportunities for continuous improvement. Although many strategic management theorists agree that internal and external factors affect the way organisations are managed, but, there are times when some important factors remain unnoticed by contemporary TQM theorists and gurus. TQM philosophy shows that countries such as USA, Japan and the majority of countries in the European Union have already adopted TQM as a basic business management approach. However, this does not seem to be the case with many developing countries. Crosby (1979) proposed 14 steps for attaining quality improvement and his approach is more focused on quality. He says : "we all believe that the problem belongs to management, prevention is the way to get it and we are all impatient that everyone is not leaping into what we see as a sensible mature philosophy of doing things, . Deming (1986) says that quality should focus on the worker, since worker is also the internal customer and that his needs, which, is job satisfaction should be met. Improvement in quality cuts down costs and increases the profit margin of organisations. He also emphasises the importance of commitment and determination of management to improve quality and argues that employees cause only 20 percent of all the defects in an organisation. Juran (1995) too shares the opinion expressed by Deming, by saying that 80 percent of all quality defects are caused by factors which are directly under control of management. He is also emphasizing the fact that top management should remain involved and must try hard to eliminate

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Innovation and Leadership- Critical Analysis Assignment

Innovation and Leadership- Critical Analysis - Assignment Example Consequently organizations are increasingly faced with the need for constantly changing their ways and strategies in business in order to stay ahead of competitors. Innovation plays the key role in today’s organizations as they strive to design better ways and better processes to satisfy their customers. Innovation is said to play a leading role in satisfying customers in businesses through better quality of services, and increased durability of products. Some of the leading organizations in the world have changed the face of the world with their innovative and cutting edge technology. These innovative technologies have consequently changed the working of households and businesses at large. However, the initiatives towards change must be backed by effective leadership and guidance in order to be successful. In an organizational context, innovation is positively related with organizational efficiency, productivity, competitiveness, market share, quality and other aspects. The p roject seeks to bring forth how innovation is critical for the success of organizations in the competitive world. This is followed by the role of leadership in implementing the change initiatives in organizations. A critical analysis is provided in this context in terms of previous research results and findings on the subject. Arguments, both for and against the subject are put forth in the project. This is coupled with real life organizational examples depicting how effective leadership has been instrumental in implementing innovative methods and techniques in the organization which have consequently taken it towards growth and success. Leadership and its importance Much has been written about the role and effectiveness of leadership in driving organizations towards success. Leaders play the most prominent role in driving an organization through a change process. Among the range of definitions that leadership has, the simplest one is its ability to influence others in achieving goa ls and objectives (Selman, 2002, p.1). The personal attributes of a leader plays a significant role in influencing the innovative initiatives taken by executives However there lays a distinct difference between a leader and an innovator. The development of spontaneous leadership within the workforce of any organization is a slow process which remains unresponsive to external elements and this necessitates strategic interventions in the organization. However an innovator might not always play the leader’s role effectively. The initiative towards a new process is generated by the innovator and the change process through which the organization is led is done by the initiative of the leader. That is why extensive research has been conducted to analyse whether innovation is possible without effective leadership. Researchers and practitioners have brought forth views both for and against the subject (Selman, 2002, p.1). Extensive research has gone into the subject of importance and criticality of leadership in organizations. Researchers have primarily made three divisions of the tasks associated with leadership. They are task oriented, relation oriented and participative leadership. Authors have particularly emphasised on such fields of leadership including participative leadership, empowerment and delegation. These studies are particularly helpful for managers for identifying the appropriate decisions to be taken in different situations and circumstances in the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

New Tack in Teacher Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

New Tack in Teacher Education - Essay Example Once a would-be teacher passed this set of criteria in the old days, a normal school, or a university offering the regular 4-year teacher education courses, proceeded to use these basic attributes as building blocks toward making the student teacher attain proficiency in the subjects considered as fountainheads of knowledge on teacher preparations: psychology, sociology and general education. In the traditional approach, that was all there was to teacher education. The assumption was that tutelage in psychology and sociology would sufficiently prepare student teachers for the tasks of reaching out to young people from diverse social classes with different beliefs, behaviors and mental constructs. General education, for its part, is the euphemism for the nitty-gritty, and more taxing part, of teaching - preparing lesson plans, checking test papers, evaluating pupils' performance, what to do with a difficult and rowdy class, handling slow learners. Under this assumption, teacher education hardly counted as a field of specialized study and as object of academic research. Teacher educators were not even asked to participate in research into their work (Korthagen, F., Loughran, J. & Russell, T., 2006). Only lately did policy makers, lawmakers and academic researchers begin to question the old notions of an effective teacher education program when confronted by repeated year-to-year reports of poor academic performance across the school systems. Something must be wrong in teacher preparations indeed when respectable publications like the US News and World Report play up stories like: as of 2000, 75 million American adults or 2 out of 3 Americans can't read adequately. It looks worse in less developed countries, such as one in Asia where it was reported that only one of five elementary graduates showed a passable competency in the five basic subjects of science, mathematics, English and writing. Bullough & Gitlin (2001), as cited in Korthagen, et al. (2006), confirmed that the traditional approach to teacher education was among the features of the educational system that needed an overhaul when the two academic researchers were asked to develop a new teacher education program from the old one. The research duo noted that the old TEP model they worked on was "disjointed, fragmented and confusing." The theory-to-practice view, the research team added, suffers from many limitations and inadequacies and is thus counterproductive. Another instructive indictment: the standard TEP model is irrelevant to the reality of everyday practice in schools. From these observations, the search for new ways of preparing teachers emerged. One of the persistent concepts that developed operates on the principle that knowledge (theory) should relate to experience and emotion (practice). This means that immersion in theory, on which traditional TEPs are focused, is not altogether bad so long as an equal emphasis is placed on practice. In other words, the more ideal approach is for theory and practice to go hand in hand so that when student teachers go out to practice their profession they know how to handle the problems of everyday teaching through theory-guided actions. This new tack in teacher education is reflected in TEPs that set aside rote recall in favor of understanding and application, giving due

Monday, September 23, 2019

Critically examine the strengths and weaknesses of the UK's uncodified Essay

Critically examine the strengths and weaknesses of the UK's uncodified constitition - Essay Example However, none of the constitutions in the world countries is known to have perfectly performed its mandate and achieved perfection in its use. Different constitutions in various countries have their own flaws, which limit their effectiveness in those countries. Therefore, although constitutions give direction in governance and highly influence many spheres in a country, they all have their own disadvantages. This is also the case with the constitution of the United Kingdom, which has advantages and disadvantages in the country, due to various reasons, as will be discussed. The constitution of the UK is quite different from those of most countries. While most countries in the world use written constitutions in their governance, the UK continues to make use of the uncodified constitution. By uncodified, it does not mean that none of the elements constituting the constitution is written down. However, in this constitution, one or more elements constituting the constitution might be written down, but there is no one single or whole document, having all the elements of the constitution written in it. Most countries however, as noted, use the written or codified constitution; this includes even the United States of America. Therefore, being among the few countries that do not use a written constitution, considerable attention has been drawn to the significance of the constitution of the UK (Pilkington 1999). The unwritten constitution of the United Kingdom is also referred to as an uncodified constitution. This is a more appropriate term to refer to the UK constitution. Pilkington (1999) emphasizes that, the United Kingdom has different parts of its constitution written down, but what it only lacks is a one document, compiling all those elements of the constitution. Therefore, this means that the United Kingdom uses convention and common

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Athletic programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Athletic programs - Essay Example As I reflect upon my experiences from these sports programs, I believe that the lessons I have imbibed greatly contributed to my overall development as an individual. I reckon that the benefits I have derived from joining these programs make be better equipped in facing the challenges of high school life. As a part of the athletic programs, I have greatly appreciated the concept of teamwork. These programs have made me realize that through team effort goals would achieved more efficiently. Instead of working or playing on my own, I have grown to become a team player. In my high school years, this characteristic would help me relate with my group mates or peers both inside and outside the classroom. Moreover, participating in athletic programs has assisted me in gaining self-confidence. Through the guidance of trainers, I developed my belief in my skills as a soccer player, student and individual who is part of a team. This trait also enabled me to easily accept rejections and failures. As a high school student, this is vital because such gives me the courage to try various pursuits. Should I fail in these endeavors, I could easily inspire myself to improve and find ways to further hone my skills to succeed. The athletic programs have also molded me to embody sportsmanship.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Effective partnership working Essay Example for Free

Effective partnership working Essay A partnership is an arrangement between two or more groups, organizations or individuals to work together to achieve common aims. Effective partnership working must have some sort of personal stake in the partnership. All partners should work towards the same goal. The partners should have similar system of beliefs and work together over a reasonable period of time. Partners should understand the value of what each of them can contribute to the set aim. Both should respect and trust each other. Partnership working also shares creativity, and responsibility. Working together can highlight different issues, problem and solutions and there is more potential for productivity or effectiveness. All partners must always tell each other what is planned and consult everything together before making any decisions. They must act together as everyone working towards the same outcome. 1.2 Working in partnership with colleagues it’s very important .We all need to work in the same way and be consistent. People I work with on daily basis are the best source of advice and information needed when some issues may arise. By working together I am able to see all recorded information and being able to use them when needed .Communication within the home is a key to effective support .By working together everyone can be supported and all ideas can be taken into consideration on meetings and solving issues become easiest. Working with other professionals like Learning Disability team or Intensive support team also gives me a different point of view on situation and this way I receive support from qualified and understanding people. I can share information and seek advice .This way I get an excellent feedback and much needed support .Some individuals have a complex needs which are very difficult to cope and seeking support from others is very important .Organization receive different training and do specialize in giving help .Therefore maintaining good relationship with them is important to provide the quality support for Service Users. Working in partnership with advocates is needed when Individuals have a lack of capacity and have no one who can act on their behalf . Working together with independent advocates shows that setting follows the guidelines and regulations .Independent person can see the different point of the situations discussed and help to decide what is  the best for the person concerned .As a support staff will share all relevant information with them and act on the best interest of the individual. Working with families, Service users, friend of individuals give me a never ending source of information’s so I’m able to provide the care they want .By working together we gain information and that can help make Individuals live easier in the care setting. This way parents feel valued and respected. Parents and family feel comfortable when visiting the setting talking to and planning with workers .Every opinion must be valued and treated seriously as we all want the best for the Service Users .Talking and working together with individuals gives us a chance to get to know they likes and dislikes and be able to make them happy. 1.3 Partnership is about relationship between people and the aim of it is to achieve what couldn’t be achieved alone. By working together we build a relationship. We improve outcomes and achieve more equal life for the individuals and better future for them. Because everyone works together Service User can feel safe and have choice of where and how they want to live. As staff I need to listen to them and give them choice and information’s must be available in the right format .Individuals feel valued and respected. They know that there is a lot of different people who are happy to help and give advice .It also makes staff feel more valued as they have they say and their opinion is more valued what means that they are more happy to stay in the work place like that.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Origin and History of Tuberculosis

The Origin and History of Tuberculosis Tuberculosis has been with human kind since ancient times. There is much evidence of this bacterium throughout history. Many bodies have been found with traces of the disease from all over the world, from Greece to South America. The strand has evolved and grown with humans to continue to threaten us, and will continue to do so. However lately with recent findings and aid from technology we have almost removed the threat entirely. Tuberculosis has haunted humanity since its very beginning. The earliest known finding of tuberculosis is from a specimen found in a 500,000 year old homo-erectus. In earlier times tuberculosis affected many people, and has recently dwindled in numbers. This used to be a major part of deaths up until the twentieth century, which is when the United States started coming out with vaccines and other forms of treatment and cures for tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is still a major disease in the rest of the world, with a third of the worlds population expected to be infected with the disease (Robert M. Jasmer). This is largely in third world countries where they do not have access to the modern cures and treatments for the disease. Every year, there is an average of nine million cases of tuberculosis worldwide (Elimination). This disease still plagues the modern world today with over 12,000 cases reported in the United States in 2008 (Elimination). Tuberculosis is a disease caused by mycobacterium, which is a genus of bacteria known to cause many infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and leprosy (Kumar).The specific name for tuberculosis is mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is unknown as to how the disease carried over to humans; however there are cases of humans having evidence of tuberculosis up to 9,000 years ago. Tuberculosis starts out with symptoms somewhat like the flu. These include coughing, sneezing, and a fever, as it advances blood begins to show up in the phlegm that is expelled from the lungs, which is the classic sign of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis can also move into other major organs such as the kidneys, liver, and spine. Once infected with tuberculosis there is a fifty percent death risk if one does not seek treatment, however if one does then there is a very high chance of survival and the disease will be cured. There are two main classifications for tuberculosis. The first of which is latent tuberculosis infection. A person with this is basically a carrier of the disease, they show no symptoms, and the bacteria cannot be spread to others. However, those with the latent infection have a risk of eventually developing the tuberculosis disease. These carriers will test positive if tested for tuberculosis and if given treatment their infection will not advance to tuberculosis. In order to be infected with latent tuberculosis one is suspect to the same thing that would infect them with the tuberculosis disease; direct contact with someone that is infected. The reason this becomes a latent infection instead of tuberculosis disease is due to our immune systems ability to battle the bacteria and it will prevent the bacteria from growing (Elimination). The tuberculosis disease is the second classification, which is the disease that is in direct relation to tuberculosis. This is the disease which consists of coughing up blood and a high death rate as explained before. Tuberculosis can be attained through direct contact with the disease, or if latent tuberculosis infection was already present and the immune system was weakened from some other cause. People infected with tuberculosis can spread the disease to others which may infect them with the disease or only the latent infection until they receive treatment or the bacteria start to multiply and it becomes a disease. Tuberculosis disease is now just commonly known as tuberculosis, even though this can be attributed to two different classifications. The exact origin of tuberculosis is still unknown however it is known that it branches from the genus Mycobacterium. The earliest finding of tuberculosis was discovered recently in a Homo erectus fossil found in Turkey. Although most scientists believe tuberculosis emerged only several thousand years ago, new research from The University of Texas at Austin reveals the most ancient evidence of the disease has been found in a 500,000-year-old human fossil from Turkey. (Most Ancient Case of Tuberculosis Found) Photo by Marsha Miller View of the inside of a plaster cast of the skull of the newly discovered young male Homo erectus from western Turkey. The stylus points to tiny lesions 1-2 mm in size found along the rim of bone just behind the right eye orbit. The lesions were formed by a type of tuberculosis that infects the brain and, at 500,000 years in age, represents the most ancient case of tuberculosis known in humans. (Most Ancient Case of Tuberculosis Found) This recent find has increased the origin of tuberculosis date greatly. Earlier it was thought that the earliest evidence of tuberculosis was found in a Neolithic settlement in the Eastern Mediterranean which dated back to about 9000 years ago (Hershkovitz). There have also been discoveries in Egypt of mummies that have evidence of mycobacterium tuberculosis, which date back to 4000 years ago (Zink). Early Greek literature was when evidence is first discovered of the recognition of tuberculosis as a disease. The Greeks started to call is phthisis which means consumption. The term consumption was used to describe this disease for thousands of years beyond that time. Consumption was used to illustrate this disease because from the observer, it seems as if the victim was being eaten from the inside out. This observation was due to coughing up blood and the poor health of anyone infected, it also described the high death rate of those who had fallen victim to consumption. Hippocrates, a highly renowned philosopher and writer of the time, also observed the disease. Around 460 BCE, Hippocrates identified phthisis as the most widespread disease of the times, and noted that it was almost always fatal (Center). As time goes on more evidence is found of tuberculosis being noted by writers, most famous of them all being Shakespeare. In Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare brings up consumptio n and he refers to tuberculosis as scrofula in his play Macbeth. This was due to the widespread infection of peoples in Europe in Shakespeares time. Although knowledge of tuberculosis, or at that time consumption, was known, it wasnt until the seventeenth century that scientific descriptions of the disease began to form. In his Opera Medica of 1679, Sylvius was the first to identify actual tubercles as a consistent and characteristic change in the lungs and other areas of consumptive patients (Center). However, the biggest early breakthrough of tuberculosis was by English physician Benjamin Marten. In A New Theory of Consumption he wrote that tuberculosis was caused by tiny creatures that, once in the body, could create abscesses and cause the other symptoms. Even with these breakthroughs in understanding the disease, scientists and doctors at the time were not able to find a proper cure or prevention for tuberculosis. Robert Koch is considered one of the founders of microbiology, the study of microorganisms. He was also the first to discover tubercle bacillus, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, in 1882, which later gained the name of mycobacterium tuberculosis (Brock). In his work he was the first to stain the bacteria to be able to view them under a microscope. This was a difficult task due to tubercle bacillus having a waxy outer shell that would not allow simple dyes of the time to stick to is and therefore could not be seen under a microscope. Kochs work was quickly accepted throughout the world, contrary to his beliefs that it would take time for it to be generally accepted. Koch then moved onto a new project, a cure for tuberculosis. He began his work in late 1889 and in 1890 he announced that he had found a cure, what he called tuberculin (Brock). This sparked a huge flock of European tuberculosis patients to Berlin, where Koch had made the tuberculin. This cure had worked in the guinea pigs he tried it on, or so he thought. Tuberculin seemed to work on humans, for when it was injected in the affected reason, the area would react, and then the tubercular tissue would begin to be destroyed. However, this was not a cure, it only decreased the tissue for a certain amount of time, and it did not destroy the bacterium that caused the disease. Koch was disappointed in this discovery, but did not put all the blame on himself. He did not intend on his work being released as early as it did, but he was pressured to do so, and was unable to conclude his research before it was being widely used on humans. Although Kochs remedy was not as successful as he wished i t to be it still held great value in the medical world. It later became a test to find if someone had tuberculosis and was one of the most reliable tests to date (Brock). Sanatoriums were the first major movement in attempting to help the victims of tuberculosis. Hermann Brehmer was the first to have the idea of putting those infected into sanitary conditions with good nutrition and clean air and did so in Gorbersdorf (Center). This idea was formed when he isolated himself after having tuberculosis himself. He went to an area with a healthy climate and eventually was cleared of the disease. The same idea was carried out in sanatoriums; infected patients would be put in a place with clean air, and a good diet, in order for their body to become healthy and battle the infection on its own, which was currently the only way to cure tuberculosis. With no antibiotics or current cures for the disease, the only way to rid oneself of tuberculosis was time and good health. In 1884 the first sanatorium was built in America; it was the Adirondack Cottage Sanatorium, and was located in Saranac Lake, New York. This became a trend and soon sanatoriums were popping up everywhere. Many big cities had at least one sanatorium or a specialized tuberculosis center. Sanatoriums were in heavy use from the early 1900s until the middle of the century. They were not a cure for tuberculosis; however it isolated individuals with the disease which decreased the spread, and also put them in a healthy environment which aided in their immune systems to be able to fight the disease. In 1948 antimicrobials were introduced, which was accompanied by a cure for tuberculosis, and a severe drop in the need for sanatoriums. Before the introduction of antimicrobials the first vaccine for tuberculosis was created; called Bacillus Calmette-Guà ©rin. Since this was a vaccine, it was not effective on those who were already infected by the disease. This vaccine was created by a bacteriologist and a veterinarian, Albert Calmette and Camille Guà ©rin respectively. Their work consisted of finding a non-virulent bacillus to use as the vaccine. They eventually found a strain and began human use in 1921 (World Health Organization). Although the first vaccines carried a lot of risk, it was effective in many studies. Bacillus Calmette-Guà ©rin was widely used in Eastern Europe after World War II and successfully vaccinated millions of babies. This vaccination was used against tuberculosis until recently when advances in medicine gave way to much more efficient vaccines. In 1943 the first cure for tuberculosis was introduced. Streptomycin was created by Dr. Waksman at Rutgers University (Wallgren). This was also the first human-safe antibiotic to ever be created, in fact Dr. Waksman introduced the word. This antibiotic successfully healed an average of 80% of all tuberculosis patients (Wallgren). Recently, there has been debate on whether Dr. Waksman deserves the credit that he has been given, including the Nobel Prize. One of his assistants, Albert Schatz, challenged Dr. Waksmans credit to the entire discovery of the drug. After a legal battle over streptomycin, Schatz was recognized as streptomycins co-discoverer and has received his share of rewards and benefits in this matter (Wainwright). Although this antibiotic was not a cure for all tuberculosis patients, it was a major step in the eradication of the disease. Current drugs that will treat and cure tuberculosis have stemmed from the first antibiotic previously mentioned, streptomycin. There are ten drugs that are approved by the Federal Drug Administration to treat tuberculosis (Elimination). The most important of these drugs is the first-line anti-tuberculosis agents. These antibiotics are the marines in the tuberculosis war. They go in and destroy all visible signs of mycobacterium tuberculosis, and after this treatment, an after-treatment is administered to prevent any return of the bacteria and eliminate any leftover bacterium. This fleet of antibiotics has proven to be very effective in treating tuberculosis. Recently, tuberculosis has been on the rise yet again in the United States. Strains of drug-resistant tuberculosis have been surfacing which make it difficult to find the right cure. These strains occur due to evolution of the strain if it is able to live through a treatment. This can happen if a tuberculosis patient does not complete their full treatment, misuse the drugs, or use damaged drugs (Elimination). Along with drug-resistant tuberculosis is also extensive drug-resistant tuberculosis. Unlike normal drug-resistant tuberculosis which is only resistant to one type of first-line antibiotic, extensive drug-resistant tuberculosis is resistant to almost all drugs used to treat the disease (Elimination). This is a major problem because treating a patient with extensive drug-resistant tuberculosis becomes almost impossible, and it is very difficult to find a drug that will work since using the wrong drug could prove to worsen the problem or even be fatal. Tuberculosis originated 500,000 years ago in Homo Erectus, before the modern human had even walked the earth. Up until recently, it has been a major cause of death in Europe and the surrounding area. Luckily, it never got a full foot into the United States and it was largely avoided here, although there are still many cases reported every year. A cure for the disease was not created until merely 60 years ago by Albert Schatz and Dr. Waksman. Currently there are ten drugs on the market used to treat and cure tuberculosis; however that is only available in the United States and other major countries. Third world countries like those in Africa and Asia still suffer greatly from this disease and it is thought that nearly one third of the entire world population is infected with some form of tuberculosis. This disease has haunted humanity since our very beginning and will continue to be with us for a while until, if at all possibly, eradication is acquired. Although I have not had any direct exposure to tuberculosis, I have been lucky enough to visit a sanatorium near my home. Henryton State Hospital is located about 20 minutes from my house in a slightly remote area of Carrol County. This hospital was originally created as a tuberculosis center for African Americans in 1922 by the Maryland Board of Mental Hygine (SaveHenryton). This area is composed of many buildings, all of which are abandoned and beginning to fall apart. There is little distinction in the buildings from the outside, but upon exploring the internal areas of Henryton it is quite simple to find what areas were for what purpose. What I have found and distinguished are the nursing dormitories, what seems to be a classroom building, a hospitalization building, a power plant/boiler room, and a cafeteria and auditorium. It is an amazing area to explore and to be able to reach into the past of how things were. Just as any abandoned place, Henryton State Hospital is filled wit h mystery and possible cover-ups. There are little to no records on this hospital, especially once it was transformed into a mental institution. Recently records of a nearby mental institution Rosewood Center have been discovered to show that the mental institutions in Maryland showed below minimal standards in treatment of the patients. Henryton is one of many sanatoriums that show the past of what tuberculosis used to be. Works Cited Brock, Thomas D. Robert Koch: A Life in Medicine and Bacteriology. Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology, 1999. Center, National Tuberculosis. Brief History of Tuberculosis. 26 July 1996. 15 December 2009 . Elimination, Division of Tuberculosis. CDC Tuberculosis. 13 October 2009. 15 December 2009 . Hershkovitz. Detection and Molecular Characterization of 9000-Year-Old Mycobacterium tuberculosis from a Neolithic Settlement in the Eastern Mediterranean. PLoS One (2008). Kumar, Vinay. Robbins Basic Pathology. Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier, 2007. M, Wainwright. Streptomycin: discovery and resultant controversy. History and Philosophy of Life Sciences (1991): 97-124. Most Ancient Case of Tuberculosis Found. The University of Texas at Austin (2007). Robert M. Jasmer, M.D. Latent Tuberculosis Infection. The New England Journal of Medicine (2002) Rothschild, Bruce M. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex DNA from an Extinct Bison Dated 17,000 Years before the Present. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1 August 2001: 305-311 . Save Henryton. 2008. 15 December 2009 . Wallgren, Professor A. Presentation Speech. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1952. Stockholm: The Nobel Foundation, 1952. World Health Organization. 2009. 15 December 2009 . Zink, Albert R. Characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex DNAs from Egyptian Mummies by Spoligotyping. American Society for Microbiology (2003).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay examples --

â€Å"Toepasbaarheid PRINCE2 binnen de IT† Inhoudsopgave 1. INLEIDING 3 2. TIJD 4 3. KWALITEIT 6 4. KOSTEN EN BATEN 8 5. CHANGE 9 6. RISK 11 7. BRONNEN 13 1. Inleiding De methode PRINCE2 is de opvolger van de methode PRINCE, die in de jaren tachtig primair werd ontwikkeld voor ICT-projecten. Deze methoden zijn ontwikkeld door het bundelen van praktijkervaringen, zogenaamde best-practices, en werd vooral binnen de ICT-industrie gebruikt. PRINCE2 is in 1996 op de markt gebracht als een verbeterde en uitgebreide versie van PRINCE en bedoeld als projectmanagementmethode die voor alle types van projecten, dus niet enkel IT, kan gebruikt worden. Dit document geeft een inzicht in de toepasbaarheid van PRINCE2 in de IT. De volgende 5 onderwerpen worden geanalyseerd: †¢ Tijd †¢ Kwaliteit †¢ Kosten/Baten †¢ Change †¢ Risk 2. Tijd Bij het toepassen van PRINCE2 als projectmanagementmethode wordt er veel aandacht besteed aan tijd. In bijna elke fase komt het onderdeel tijd aan bod. Bij het opstellen van de PID wordt er een Product Breakdown Structure gemaakt. De Product Breakdown Structure geeft een hià «rarchisch overzicht van de producten die opgeleverd dienen te worden. Nadat de PBS gemaakt is worden alle onderdelen beschreven met een toelichting. Hierna wordt er een activiteitenoverzicht gemaakt. Aan de activiteitenoverzicht wordt begonnen met het maken van een estimated planning. Hierin wordt er een schatting gemaakt hoeveel tijd er nodig is om de producten te realiseren. Dit wordt per product gedaan. Hieronder is een voorbeeld van een estimated planning te zien: Afbeelding bron: PID Projectgroep INF3D1 IPBIT7 Nadat de estimated planning is gemaakt wordt er een scheduled planning gemaakt. Bij de scheduled pl... ...niceren† continu uitgevoerd. Er moet niet alleen gecommuniceerd worden tussen de vorige 4 stappen, er moet ook gecommuniceerd worden over risico’s binnen het project en buiten het project naar bijvoorbeeld belanghebbenden. De volgende managementproducten zijn uitstekend geschikt voor dit communicatieaspect: †¢ Checkpoint rapporten †¢ Highlight rapporten †¢ Fase-end rapporten †¢ End project rapport †¢ Lesson learned rapporten 7. Bronnen Janssen, P. & Jean-Pierre V. C. (2011). Projectmanagement volgens PRINCE2. Amsterdam: Pearson Education. PRINCE2. (08-01-2014). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Geraadpleegd 14-04-2014, van Quint. (z.d.). Quint Best Practices. In Quint Wellington Redwood: Best Practices - PRINCE2 ®. Geraadpleegd 14-04-2014, van

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

erereCreate Your Own Emergency Boot Disk :: essays research papers

Hardware Tips: Create Your Own Emergency Boot Disk Create an emergency boot disk, identify mysterious components. Pop quiz: Windows won't start. Do you: A. Panic; B. Take a siesta; C. Calmly smile as you pull out your customized emergency boot disk, use it to start your computer, and proceed to fix your system? If you answered C, I commend you. If you chose B, I envy you. But if you picked A, I can help. It's time for you to make an emergency boot disk that does the standard Windows version one better. Every version of Windows 9x lets you make an emergency boot floppy disk. When you boot from the floppy, Windows takes you to a DOS prompt where you can run DOS utility programs to evaluate and repair your hard disk, fix Windows, copy critical data to a safe location, or (in the worst case) reinstall Windows. Creating a boot floppy is the same in all versions of Windows 9x and in Me: Select Start, Settings, Control Panel, open the Add/Remove applet, select the Startup Disk tab, and click Create Disk. (You'll need a blank, formatted floppy disk.) If Windows is already misbehaving and you can't make a boot floppy, insert your Windows 98 or Windows Me CD-ROM and reboot. Check the boot options section of your system's CMOS setup program to find out whether your PC supports CD-ROM boot-up. To open your CMOS setup program, restart your computer and press Delete, F1, F8, or whatever key your PC tells you to press to enter setup. If your system can boot from its CD-ROM, you'll see the same DOS prompt brought up by the boot floppy; the CD-ROM lacks many of the floppy's DOS utilities, however. Windows boot floppies contain useful DOS troubleshooting utilities, but they lack some of the key files you'll need to get your system up and running. CD-ROM drive. You need special DOS drivers for your PC's CD-ROM drive to run under DOS. Windows 98 and Me boot disks automatically install generic DOS drivers that work with many, if not most, CD-ROM drives. To see if you're in the driver's seat, use your boot floppy to get a DOS prompt, place a CD in the CD-ROM drive, and type dir n: (where n is the letter assigned to your CD-ROM drive). If you see a list of the files on the CD, the DOS driver works. If you don't see a list of the CD's files, make sure you're looking under the right drive letter.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Duties Of A Secretary :: essays research papers

The Duties of A Secretary   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When we enter a law office the first individual we meet is the legal secretary. She is the one withe responsibility for the correspondence, records, and other affairs of office. The word â€Å"secretary† reflects its Latin root secretum (secret), which originally referred to a person who acted as a confidant, and handled matters of a private nature for his principal. The executive position or executive secretary is one of major responsibility in business or government.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First responsibility of a legal secretary each day is open, read, and note all mail received that day. It is Important in a law office. The mail often includes legal documents crucial to a certain case that day. She must be familiar with all standard forms used in the office. Affidavits, bills of sale, deeds, leases, mortgages, powers of attorney, propositions, and wills.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tape Shorthand theory means the writing down of dictation from an employer, and then transcribing the material onto sheets with the aid of earphones and computer. Every secretary is required to have a skill speed of 80 WPM before graduating, also when taking the civil service exan. In some offices the dictation is seized by one secretary while the typing is completed by another. Usually larger offices hire clerk typist. It is important that secretaries are capable of reading each others shorthand notes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every legal secretary works with computers, duplicators, stencil machines, but the dictaphone is usually the most frequently utilized. Information must be transcribed quickly, and accurately in attractive form.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Filing systems are important to any secretary. The files at any office must be maintained in perfect order, so that any file may be located promptly by any person authorized to use the files. General secretaries often work inside an organization where company records are maintained by special file clerks inside a central filing room, but the secretary may still remain responsible for all the filing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A secretary must learn the rules of four basic filing systems. The alphabetic, subject, geographic, and numeric systems. Also the vertical files, card files, and open shelf files. Files for audimated data pocessing are required by many firms.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Two remaining basic skills of general and legal secretaries are: Receptionist, trained to meet and route visitors, customers, salesmen, and handle nuisance calls. They greet all visiters with the â€Å"red carpet treatment† by treating them with royalty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The well-trained secretary who is able to accept responsibilies who is able to relieve her employer of many management duties is a real valuable employee to any company.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I studied the secretarial course at BOCES for two years. I understand the responsibilities of a secretary.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Effects of Media on Society Essay

The Mass Media is a unique feature of modern society ;its development has accompanied an increase in the magnitude and complexity of societal actions and engagements, rapid social change, technological innovation, rising personal income and standard of life and the decline of some traditional forms of control and authority. There is an association between Media Influence CRITICALLY ASSESS THE WAYS IN WHICH THE MEDIA CAN BE SAID TO INFLUENCE OR HAVE EFFECTS ON SOCIETY. /> The Mass Media is a unique feature of modern society †¦ the development of mass media and social change, although the degree and direction of this association is still debated upon even after years of study into media influence. Many of the consequences, either detrimental or beneficial, which have been attributed to the mass media, are almost undoubtedly due to other tendencies within society. Few sociologists would refute the importance of the mass media, and mass communications as a whole, as being a major factor in the construction and circulation of Media Influence MEDIA INFLUENCE The media play an important role in our lives and influence us in our choices and things we value in life. We definitely live in an information †¦ social understanding and social imagery in modern societies. Therefore it is argued that the mass media is used as ?an instrument?, both more powerful and more flexible than anything in previous existence, for influencing people into certain modes of belief and understanding within society. Read more:  Effects of Mass Media on Society The question of medias influence on society and its cultural framework has often been debated upon from leading theorists to anyone with any form of media connections, but to The Influence Of Media On Basketball Influences of Mass Media in Sport When communication is spread not just between two individuals but rather between tens of millions of people it is known as mass media. †¦ contemplate that a character in Coronation Street or Eastenders can have an influence on an audience members attitude, beliefs or interpretations of society is a very simplistic and debatable version of the truth. The media does influence, but using more diverse and subtle roles of impact. Some theorists suggest that it is even a case of society influencing the media and not the more widespread and presumed version. History In the Media’s Influence On Teenagers Josh Goldstein 4/25/01 DOES MEDIA (TV, radio, magazines) INFLUENCE US TEENAGERS? â€Å"I wake up to the radio, eat breakfast to the TV, drive to school to the radio, use computers †¦ early 1930?s, the Payne Studies study took place into the effects and influences of the mass media on the society as a whole using, at times, theories or beliefs that dated back to the late nineteenth century. This is regarded as one of the first in the area of or notion that the mass media has an affect on the societal attitudes and beliefs of that time.

Intervention on Mary’s Crisis

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1994) says that those who are in crisis need immediate intervention through emotional first aid and support. Crisis intervention aims to improve health or resolve a personal conflict through an immediate, short-term psychotherapeutic approach. Mary is just the right person who is in need of immediate intervention. Her problems began when she discovered that she could not conceive a child due to some biological reason. She suffered from this because â€Å"she is incapable of doing something that is a simple biological function of being a woman† (Vasudev, 2005). This could be the reason why she thought she was a failure because she could not give her husband a child. In our society today, those who cannot bear a child are a laughing matter. Even during the times of our ancestors, a woman’s auspiciousness is measured by the number of children she has. This was considered an asset, especially when her children are male. Vasudev (2005) considered children as important for survival and for economic and social situations. He said, â€Å"People did not experience life to any depth with any other aspect except by bearing children. It’s as if you have not experienced life† (Vasudev, 2005). But he added that so many factors are involved, such as social, economic, emotional, physical and biological aspects. What has been embedded in the history of humans about child bearing is still observed today. A woman who cannot bear a child is considered unfortunate or outcast in our society. This was probably how Mary felt with the dilemma she was facing. To make matters worse for her, her inability to produce a child precipitated the bitter divorce between her and her husband. This only made her feel inadequate. This situation proved hard for Mary, especially when her second husband also wanted to divorce her. She blamed herself for losing her husband and his child because she thought she was not a better wife, despite her efforts in devoting herself to them. This indicated that she was crisis prone, as shown by her tendency to feel overly depressed by unfavorable events in her life. Greenwald (undated) explained that depression is caused by many factors, one of which is biological. Mary had problems with eating and sleeping. Another factor is psychological. Greenwald noted, â€Å"If you fail to live up to some internal standard of who or what you are supposed to be, some internal watchdog notes your failures and begins to let you know that you haven’t been all that you could be† (Greenwald, undated). Moreover, people tend to feel depressed because they think they haven’t done what they think they should have. This results to low self-esteem, as is the case with Mary because she could not conceive a child. She also blamed herself for the bad things in her life. Dr. Greenwald added that when important people fail to understand or recognize or appreciate, it could result to depression. Sometimes, this made a person feel that she is not good enough. Mary was sensitive to this since she had a history of divorce. Mary’s condition after learning of her husband’s plans showed that she was in a crisis. She was undergoing a strong, reactive depression, which is not normally experienced by someone who is upset. Moreover, it involved her health, her job and her self-esteem. She also indicated that â€Å"it would be better to be dead†¦Ã¢â‚¬  which showed that she was considering suicide as an option to end her dilemma. This is an indication that should not be ignored. It is important to let Mary know that someone cares for her, and that is me and it is why I’m there to help her solve her problem. I will use Roberts’ Seven Stage Crisis Intervention Model (2000) in conducting the intervention. After gaining her confidence and trust, I will conduct crisis assessment, including lethality. Is she depressed, lonely or suicidal? Is she safe or alone? Does she mean to harm herself? These questions should be asked with sensitivity. Assessment of danger must be throughout the intervention. I must establish rapport and make her feel at ease in telling me her problems. I will listen for important events and persons so that I know who and what are important to her. I will listen for significant changes, losses, disappointments and failures to identify the major problem/s. I will find out the trigger events so that I can think of strategies in helping her. Through active listening, I will ask about the feelings surrounding the people or events as she tells me her history. Questions include: â€Å"How did you feel about that?† â€Å"What were your feelings?† â€Å"What do you think about this situation?† â€Å"You might have been angry?† â€Å"Were you hurt about that?† It is also important that I listen for problems about anger. I should help the person discover if her depression was to do with unexpressed anger. â€Å"It sounds like you have problems expressing your anger.† â€Å"How do you vent your anger?† If anger is not the issue, I will look for other possibilities. If Mary tells about her depression on her first divorce, I can refer her to psychotherapy. I can also give support through validation. I will convince her that what she is feeling is ok and that she is not alone. She is worthy and can overcome her problems. She is stronger than she can imagine. I can tell her â€Å"I’d feel the same way if I were in your shoes† or â€Å"Of course I’d feel depressed; I think anyone would.† Then I will ask her the areas where she considers she excels. I will tell her that she is not a failure. She just needs to explore her feelings, ideas, skills and accomplishments. I can convince her to join any club or activities where she can use her talents, or to try calling her sister and family because I’m sure they care for her. I will point out resources that she may have forgotten. I can give her the power to make choices and opportunities for herself, and take charge. Mary found out that despite what happened, she can move on because she is strong. The time of feeling down is past; she must look for the brighter things and dedicate her energy to more important things. She felt thankful that she called that crisis hotline; although her problems were not over yet, she felt as though her burdens were lifted. REFERENCES Crisis Intervention and Domestic Violence National Resource. (undated). Roberts’ Seven Stage Crisis Intervention Model. Crisis Intervention Network. Retrieved on September 16, 2007 from Greenwald, Barry. (undated). Loneliness, Depression, and Suicide. Retrieved on September 17, 2007 from Vasudev, Sadhguru Jaggi. (May 3, 2005). Barren Woman. Chennai Online. Retrieved on September 17, 2007 from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Character assessment Essay

I strongly disagree that Beatrice was a weak wife and I think that she did the best that she could have done in the circumstances. Beatrice was a typical nineteen forty’s housewife who’s responsibilities were to look after the home and her family she does this well as she is very caring about her family. This is seen at the beginning of the play as she is looking forward to her cousins arriving it is also visible that Beatrice is extremely house proud as she is concerned about ‘washing the walls’, ‘waxing the floor’ and how she has ‘nothin’ to eat for them’. However Beatrice is a lot more presumptuous than most housewives would be. Beatrice is firstly revealed to be much stronger that you would expect a woman in this play to be when she uses effective persuasive techniques to convince Eddie her cousins should stay at their home. Beatrice says ‘I’m just afraid if it don’t turn out good you’ll be mad at me’ this makes Eddie feel guilty and he replies ‘ then what the hell’ this proves that Beatrice is loving but tactile. She is so pleased that she calls Eddie ‘an angel’ whilst having tears in her eyes. It is obvious that Catharine has been secretly talking to Beatrice about a job before Eddie knows about it when Catherine says ‘we didn’t tell him about me yet’. This makes us assume that Catherine and Beatrice have a very strong relationship. Beatrice is very keen to convince Eddie ‘it’s very good news’ that Catherine has got a job but he is upset as Catherine ‘didn’t ask him before she took the job’. However, Beatrice continues to help Catherine using arguments such as the ‘fifty dollars a week’ and ‘work is the best practice’ and eventually her force makes Eddie agree. Beatrice is first seen to be slightly concerned about Eddie and Catherine’s relationship when she asks ‘when am I going to be your wife again, Eddie? This obviously means that there is no sexual relationship between them. Though we don’t realise it has got something to do with Catherine until Eddie says ‘I’m worried about her’ and Beatrice replies ‘ the girl is gonna be eighteen years old, it’s time already’ and she tells Eddie he has ‘to cut it out, now’. This is the second warning that Beatrice has given Eddie to he ‘has to get used to it, she’s no baby no more’. The next course of action that Beatrice takes is to confront Catherine. She is very forceful telling Catherine ‘ don’t tell me you don’t; you’re not a baby anymore, what are you going to do with yourself’. She is concerned about making Catherine realise she must grow up and leave, this maybe because she can tell something bad may happen. She respectively tells Catherine ‘he’s not your father’ and then says she can’t ‘walk around in front of him in her slip’ or ‘talk to him when he’s shavin’ in his underwear. All of these are Beatrice’s desperate attempts to make Catherine understand she not a ‘baby’ and Eddie realise he has to ‘let go’. Beatrice is clearly pleased when Catherine takes a liking to Rodolfo and defends them to Eddie. She says Rodolfo ‘didn’t drag her off’ and that ‘well, you said the movie ended late, didn’t you’ when Eddie is very inquisitive over Catherine and Rodolfo going to the cinema. He tries to find excuses for them not to go out again but Beatrice continuously takes Rodolfo and Catherine’s side.  Beatrice does not realise at first why Eddie wants to box Rodolfo and encourages him saying ‘go ahead, he’s a good boxer he could teach you’, when she senses there is something wrong she tries to cover it by commenting on how ‘very good’ Rodolfo is. However, she is very concerned when Rodolfo feints and tells Eddie ‘that’s enough’.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

“Age of Iron” by J.M. Coetzee Essay

The extract from the prose â€Å"Age of Iron† written by J.M. Coetzee is about the depiction of different generations conflicting with one another. This extract is set up as an old wise woman a one-way conversation during the 1990’s. This extract illustrates the young boy being forced in listening to the old wise woman’s opinion about the cons of the apartheid, more specifically being the war. Throughout the prose, the young boy refuses to listen to the voice of authority and shows the old wise woman that with stubbornness and self-determination, young children do not accept what they are told from authority. With the portrayal of the two generations conflicting, the extract suggests that the immense amount of influence of authority can play a major role on younger generations leading them to choose the wrong path. This prose is shown as a one-way conversation and is during the time period of the 1990’s which is also known as the South African Apartheid. With the Apartheid regime, the tone of the extract is in a depressed mood because of their struggle to freedom. The old wise woman’s opinions are demonstrated through her stream of consciousness and moves from quick dialogue with the young boy to descriptions showing the vivid imagery of the war. The depressed plot of this extract shows the social activism of the younger generation and the minorities in South Africa fighting for their own rights. The old woman’s advice is however being ignored from the young boy who refuses; due to his stubbornness and goes onto the wrong path putting himself into great danger. The setting of this prose most likely takes place in the old woman’s house because of the depiction that the old woman â€Å"do[esn’t] have bandages in the house.† This shows that the young boy illustrates the dramatic beginning by making â€Å"splashing noises† indicating that it was rainy day outside and he needed to go inside somewhere dry. Since the young boy went inside the old woman’s house without knocking, this shows that there is a family connection between the old woman and the boy however not a strong connection because of the one-way dialogue throughout the prose. However, they do have family connection where the boy visits often because she notices â€Å"the bandage [is] off and with surprise [she] noticed that the stitches were still in.† This line depicts that she cares for the boy and that there is a family connection between the two characters because of the connection of the boy being able to go into her house and the fact that he has visited before with a bandage on. The prose then continues into short dialogue, demonstrating that the narrator is represented as a motherly figure because of the tone of caring in the dialogue such as â€Å"when did you leave the hospital and you must keep that cut covered, otherwise it will get infected†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The protagonist in this prose is represented as a mother figure because of the consecutive questions she asks the boy about his cut and exaggerates that it will leave â€Å"a memento† on â€Å"his forehead for the rest of his life.† The protagonist is shown as a â€Å"hen that loses its chicks† because in the prose, the young boy that steps into the protagonist’s house isn’t blood-related to the old woman however, this line depicts that the old woman will still treat him as her own son because of the theme nature vs. nurture. The old woman also recommends to the young boy to â€Å"go [see] a doctor soon, or a clinic to have the stitches taken out.† This quotation also initiates the spark of the young boy choosing the wrong path in life, leading him into great danger because he cleverly moves away from the topic by saying that he â€Å"must rest [his] arm† and his â€Å"head is not sore.† By saying this to the old woman, she immediately thinks that he is â€Å"running away from someone† and by being silent, she starts to show her caring and loving for the boy by telling him advice. Since she asked the young boy with care and love if he was running away from someone, and with no reply, the old woman got worried and starts to explain to the young boy again that he is â€Å"too young for this kind of thing†. The old woman starts to tell explain to the young boy that it is not a good thing to die and that even though he is fighting for his own rights during the war, he should be careful because â€Å"[they are] throwing away [their] lives before [they] know what life can [really] be.† It is also indicated in the prose, that she is an old person because she says so herself when she is explaining to the young boy. She also talks about â€Å"Bheki†, her son who died at a young age because he fought in the war however when she explained to the young boy that war isn’t a good thing to participate; he didn’t understand because he asked after she had explained about the cons of war. The vivid imagery is brought out into that particular paragraph because she illustrates the war as an â€Å"age of chivalry† where â€Å"men [hack] other men to death.† However her strong opinion against the war didn’t work on the young boy because he wasn’t influenced at all because his desires were very strong about war. In the prose, the young boy has rebelled against the voice of authority (old woman_ by not paying attention to her when she was talking as she explained through dialogue and imagery that war isn’t something to be proud about. However, the young boy’s desire grew and he became more passionate about the war showing that all of the immense influencing she did was a waste of time. Consequently, she gets furious when he asks â€Å"where is Bheki.† This shows that the young boy wasn’t paying attention to the old woman and shows that he is also immature. This specific quotation indicates that the young boy isn’t mature because he didn’t understand her hint when she said that â€Å"I told Bheki so [I’ll] tell you again.† This being the turning point of the prose, the old woman changes her voice of tone from soft and sweet into more of a demanding voice by telling him to â€Å"sit down†. As he follows her orders, she starts to explain that Bheki is actually â€Å"in a box in a hole with earth heaped on top of him.† She says this with great pain and as she quickly brushes that off her shoulders, she then changes her way of explaining to the boy into a more childish way. She starts to use basic terms for the young boy to understand as her diction goes from complex to simple. Her voice changes immediately and the old woman start to explain to the boy as if he was a little child who was learning to ride a bike. As the conclusion starts to approach, her mood also becomes more furious because she knows that compassions is the most important thing and pushes that war is a struggle and pain. With her great influence upon the young boy, â€Å"he threw off [the] talk† and chooses the path of war as a sign of discipline. In the prose â€Å"Age of Iron† the influence of authority is shown throughout the prose. With the old woman trying to lure the young boy out from war is not successful as all the young boys listen to discipline and nothing else. However with him refusing the talk which had â€Å"weighed down the generation of his grandparents and his generation of his parents†; he decided to choose the wrong path leading him into a great deal of danger. Even though, the old wise woman knew what she was talking about and had heard about past experiences through memory and sense-perception, her influence upon the boy was very significant however with the two generations conflicting, the immense amount of influence of the old wise woman wasn’t successful which lead the young boy in choosing the wrong path.